5 Tips to Flourish Your Dreamforce ’19 Experience

The biggest B2B Cloud Conference in the world ‘Dreamforce’ is less than two months away and Trailblazers from around the world are all set to be a part of this amazing carnival. The entire Ohana is counting down the days and bracing themselves for four days of innovation, inspiration, giving back & learning. With 2700+ sessions, super-sessions and major keynotes – Dreamforce ’19 is all set to take us from now to next. 

Dreamforce, which is scheduled to take place from 19th to 22nd November 2019 in San Francisco is going to be even bigger this time. As the event is quickly approaching and it’s already been sold out, you can expect thousands of attendees joining, the importance of a well-planned schedule is highly recommended. As Dreamforce is not at all a kind of event where you can jump in with an open agenda, one must ensure to have a must-do list of things before taking flight for San Francisco. As a regular Dreamforce attendee, we can share some of the things which can help you flourish your Dreamforce’19 experience. 

Plan your sessions in advance

Dreamforce will spread across an enormous area in downtown San Francisco. With the Moscone Center as the central hub, the event extends to various other places such as Marriott Marquis, InterContinental, the Palace Hotel, Hilton Union Square, the Park Central, and the Westin St. Francisco. With 2700+ sessions & a large spread area, joining all your favorite sessions could be difficult at times. Adding to this, with thousands of other people, you can always expect long queues, delays, and often housefull boards.  

Planning out your favorite sessions in advance and registering them will certainly help you get past all the hassles & save time. Attending consecutive sessions will never help. Entry for session halls starts 10 mins before, and you can be there 15mins prior. Doing a little research on the session topic and the speaker will certainly help you understand things better. Dreamforce is not at all about attending sessions. Always keep some time for customer success expo, networking, and dreamfest. 

Map out Keynotes

Keynotes are one of the biggest inspirations during Dreamforce. Every year some of the biggest industry leaders share their experiences and change the way we think. Dreamforce ’19 Keynotes lineup is not yet finalized as we still have a lot of time left, but we can definitely expect some top industry leaders taking the center stage sharing their stories and inspiring thousands in order to transform they think, work & lead. Before the Dreamforce, you must map out the keynotes you don’t want to miss and plan your calendar. You should reach 30mins prior to get a seat. If in case you missed out on a seat, you can watch it on the live screens inside the Dreamforce plaza. Keynotes will be available in Salesforce Live and YouTube also. 

Customer Success Expo

Every year Dreamforce witness some of the most innovative products. Salesforce partners launch or showcase their groundbreaking solutions at the Customer Success Expo. You can check the official Dreamforce website and take note of the exhibiting companies and their products. A decent amount of research on the partner companies and their solutions will help you understand the solution and how it can help your business. You can always get product-related updates from the official social media channels. It is always good to book a slot before the event for a personalized demo or related discussion. At times, it is very difficult to understand a product in detail and it’s value additions while visiting a booth because of the rush. It is recommended to note the booth numbers of your preferred products for easy access. 


Dreamforce is half-done without party & fun. Though the entire event is a weeklong celebration with sponsor parties and happy hours all over the city, you can’t leave San Francisco without Dreamfest. Dreamfest featured most of the popular bands and performers, all benefiting UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals. Past bands have included Metallica, U2, Bruno Mars, and Alicia Keys. Salesforce hasn’t revealed who they have in store for this year’s Dreamfest, but you can expect an experience of a lifetime to remember. You can take some time off from your regular sessions, keynotes, and customer success expo to enjoy a relaxed time with your fellow trailblazers.

The DataConnectiva Show

As a Salesforce Partner, CEPTES will be a part of Dreamforce’19 as well. Last year Dreamforce was very special for us, as we launched our flagship product DataArchiva at the customer success expo. As the ONLY Native Data Archiving Solution for Salesforce, DataArchiva has positioned itself as a game-changer for Salesforce enterprise customers. This year Dreamforce, we are all set to change the way you have been using Salesforce for years. Our new solution DataConnectiva will not only help you manage your Salesforce data storage but also enable you to choose your preferred external Cloud/On-premise storage system to keep archived data. With DataConnectiva in place, you can save high storage costs, improve CRM performance and enhance governance. You can’t leave Dreamforce’19 without checking out DataConnectiva. You can schedule a meeting with our team by clicking here.

Dreamforce is going to be a once in a lifetime experience. A pre-plan can really help you manage your schedule and ensure not missing out on any important thing. Don’t get behind. Start your Dreamforce’19 plan and don’t forget to meet us and say hello. See you in San Francisco.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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