The Much Awaited Arrival of CEPTES Data Management Suite for Salesforce at Dreamforce 2022

CEPTES Data Management Suite for Salesforce at Dreamforce 2022

Are you full of beans? Dreamforce is making a rebound to its hometown after two long years! It’s going to be nothing like you’ve experienced before; because Salesforce celebrates 20 years of Dreamforce this time!

Got a knack for the annual flagship conference of Salesforce? If yes, we have many things to unfold! 

Before that, let’s take a gander at Dreamforce — the largest tech summit of Trailblazers.

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience Powered by Salesforce

Dreamforce is nothing but a dream conference for millions of Trailblazers. Takes place during falls every year, Dreamforce converges Trailblazers from around the globe to San Francisco to learn, innovate, network, revel, and give back. The essence of Dreamforce is that: the most popular tech summit that draws hundreds and thousands of professionals in the Salesforce ecosystem to share their incredible journeys, insights, new products, business opportunities, and future steps — all in one place! 

Themed ‘Go Big and Come Home,’ Dreamforce 2022 is the much-anticipated event that will take place from September 20-22, 2022 at Moscone Campground. You will bump into industry leaders, marketers, a global think tank community, IT professionals, CEOs, and a lot more innovation enthusiasts, who will all hold some fire to ignite your spirit. Mark your calendar for the event and make arrangements to fly to San Francisco with your team.

Dreamforce 2022: CEPTES’s Calling Card

This year, we’re heading to Dreamfore with bells on like more than any other year and anybody else! You know why? Our Data Management Suite (DMS) for Salesforce is ready to get the ball rolling as a complete suite for your data and file/document management needs in Salesforce. With the recent roll-out of DocuPrime, our native application for auto-document generation in Salesforce, our DMS has attained its complete form with an outright definition! And, we’re over the moon to present our modern suite in the world’s largest tech conference at Booth #341 to the thousands of technophiles. 

DMS – Our Remarkable Feat and Game Changer 

Our DMS is simple yet comprehensive, modern yet next-gen. We have brought all solutions to effectively address your data and file/document management needs in Salesforce under one umbrella. 

Curious to know more about our DMS? Let’s have a look at each facet our DMS is made of!

  • DataArchiva

This next-gen data archiving solution is the only native application established to date for Salesforce, powered by Big Objects! Our application archives your inactive data from Salesforce’s primary storage to Big Objects for the immediate optimization of your storage space. So, your data will never move or share out of the Salesforce org and thus ensures its security.  

Learn more:

  • DataConnectiva 

Who could ask for anything better than DataConnectiva? To safely migrate his/her unused data from Salesforce’s storage space to the preferred external cloud systems (AWS, Azure, Heroku, GCP) including on-premise platforms? This is how advanced and powerful our application is! We free up your data storage space by archiving data to an extrinsic space by adhering to your demands and compliance. 

Learn more:

  • DataBakup

Data is your enterprise asset. Nothing can compensate for the loss of your critical data. This is why DataBakup is built on top of Salesforce — to stave your business off from sensitive data loss. Our application helps you own your backup data by automatically replicating the same in your preferred external Cloud platform (AWS, Azure, Heroku, GCP) and recovering it as you need. That said, our application not only safeguards your data but also makes sure that it’s residing safely in your own cloud storage system. 

Learn more:

  • XfilesPro 

With all three data management solutions explained above, what about Salesforce files? What does our DMS do with your file management in Salesforce? XfilesPro is our answer. Our superior file management application transfers your files from Salesforce file storage space to your external cloud (Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint, Amazon S3, etc.) automatically at lightning speed. So, the immediate optimization of the storage space along with an increase in application performance is achieved in a breeze. 

Learn more:

  • DocuPrime 

Generating a heap of documents daily is tedious! What if you could automatically obtain data from different Salesforce objects and generate a large number of documents in a click or two? This is exactly why DocuPrime, our 100% native application, is built — to automate your daily document management process within Salesforce. Leveraging our advanced platform, you can create documents of all types and sizes with varied customization and template building/uploading capabilities.

Learn more:

Meet Us at Booth #341 to Explore and Experience our DMS in Live

So, how do you feel about our Data Management Suite (DMS) for Salesforce? Do you feel our comprehensive suite contains all you’re looking for in Salesforce? If yes, we should meet up! We wholeheartedly welcome you to our booth #341 during your Dreamforce days to:

  • Learn more about our Data Management Suite for Salesforce
  • Explore various partnership models and benefits
  • Watch live demos
  • 20% Discount on implementation and GET PREMIUM SUPPORT at an exclusive price

So, why wait? Schedule a meeting with our product experts to get the most out of our DMS magic!

See You at Dreamforce!

About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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