A RoundUp of Salesforce Research on impacts of 2020

A RoundUp of Salesforce Research on impacts of 2020

As this year is going to end, we would like to give you an insight into the data Salesforce Research reported. This year brought us many twists and turns, changing the way we live and work.

This year has quite impacted the relationship between the business and its customers. 

Salesforce Research, a team, committed to investigate and report the latest trends’ effects on customer and business relations, surveyed nearly 80,000 consumers, decision-makers, and business buyers across the globe to apprehend how the pandemic is restructuring customer behavior and how businesses are acknowledging it.

Here are the important data points collected from different surveys that enfold the impacts of 2020 on digital transformation, customer association, and much more.

Digital-first customer engagement: The shift was well underway before the outbreak of COVID-19, but the pandemic has accelerated this essential spin as people worldwide spent an ephemeral amount of time in stores and more in front of the screens

This summer, consumers and service buyers from around the globe    participated in an annual survey, and it was inferred 

60% of total customer interactions are now digital, with no anticipated dip in 2021 too.

Digital sales revenue: Through different surveys on global shoppers, it was found that 68% of consumers are likely to shop online, even after COVID-19.

Work from home: As the pandemic hit our lives, the work from home option went through a digital upheaval. Around 62% of full-time workers worked from home, two-third of which wanted to continue work like this in the long run.

Digitization: 60% of consumers surveyed in August said that COVID-19 had converted their relationship with technology. Moreover, 88% of consumers expect this years’ crisis to accelerate digital initiatives. 

Artificial intelligence: The share of marketers who reported that their organization utilizes AI has risen to 186%, tripling within 2 yrs. This shows that marketers are increasingly inclining towards digital transformation.

A transformative moment for Sales Representatives: Sales representatives face a particularly reframe moment as they move towards selling virtually for the predictable future. One research found that 54% of sales representatives now felt confident in working in a digital environment.

Video-based support customer support: This year, video experienced a boom among customer service channel. Digital service channels like online chat, messenger apps saw a significant rise of up to 42%

Customer data: To upraise customer service level, businesses need to use customer data in a sophisticated manner. Customers have been circumspect about this dynamic for a long time, but as examples of unethical behavior by companies over customer data come about, 61% of consumers have lost on companies over the use of their data.

All of these stats show there is still much work left for businesses to provide efficient customer service. These stats clearly say what consumers want from companies, why automation is needed, and the overall power of digitization.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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