200OK by CEPTES: The journey from LwAPIC to 200OK

A product name is the first element that your target market will encounter. Sometimes we don’t get the right product or brand name the first time, which is entirely OK. As a company, it is vital to give your product a distinctive, memorable, authentic and enduring name. The name should be the one that sticks in your customer’s minds, builds a strong relationship and trust with your customers and remains relevant as the company grows.

In a nutshell, a strong product name will help companies to create a strong brand and reputation in the targeted market. Hence organizations need to choose a name that lasts forever. 

Advanced Integration Platform

In 2021, CEPTES Software developed a product, an integration connector built on the Salesforce Lightning Platform, to help businesses integrate third-party APIs, cloud services, and applications directly or indirectly with Salesforce. LwAPIC is a Lightning integration platform that connects Salesforce (inbound/outbound) to any external system without coding.

“LwAPIC = Lightweight Any Point Integration Connector”

Developing an application or a platform with advanced features and functionalities is quite challenging, but deciding on a name for that particular platform because that name reflects the brand’s tone of voice. 

When LwAPIC was released, the company realized that the product was doing great, but the customers were facing issues with the name in terms of its pronunciation. Also, the name was not justifying the offerings. So, the company has decided to rename one of the most advanced platforms, LwAPIC.

Introducing 200 OK

Thus the experts at CEPTES embarked on a mission to come up with a name that not only justified the offerings but also helped customers to pronounce the name easily. The experts came up with the name 200 OK for the integration platform.

200 OK is the HTTP 200 OK success status response code indicating that the request has succeeded. The meaning of success depends on the HTTP request method: GET: The resource has been fetched and is transmitted in the message body.

200 OK resembles SUCCESS; this is one of the core factors that inspire the CEPTES experts to rename the integration platform from LwAPIC to 200 OK. Today the product successfully runs with the name 200 OK: The Promise of Security in Every Call Out.

Switch to 200 OK today and see the magic of this Integration connector in minutes.

To know more about 200 OK, visit https://200ok.ai/

About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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