4 Ways Salesforce is Transforming Manufacturing Industry

In today’s world, the manufacturing sector is evolving rapidly. From the first industrial revolution that occurred two centuries ago, to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0 of today, the development has been exponential. Industries and their operations are having to adapt to the quickly changing global, political, and economic decisions. At the same time, changing customer expectations are affecting the supply chains throughout the world. To stay relevant and ahead of the competition, manufacturers must adopt a flexible, lean, and adaptable operational strategy. It is crucial for them to embrace technological innovations if they wish to move from traditional mass production to customized production.

Challenges that manufacturers are facing today

There are, however, some challenges that manufacturers may face if they’re unable to embrace Digital Transformation properly:

  • Inability in implementing a flexible business methodology that can be modified and tailored to customer’s behaviors and needs.
  • Choosing what technologies to implement is a challenge, as there are multitudes of options and routes that the company can take; however, choosing what is right for them is not always clear.
  • Budget constraints must be taken into cognizance since many technologies come at a steep price.
  • Accurate forecasting using analytics to understand the trends & shifting market conditions.

The manufacturing companies of today understand that in order to successfully implement a sustainable business strategy, they must optimize their process in a way that enables better decision-making, efficient workflows, production, and better customer experiences. The last goal is the most crucial part, as customer centricity and personalization of customer experiences is the surest way to achieve a competitive advantage.

To stay ahead of the curve, the companies in the manufacturing sector are opting for the best technological platforms and other such integrated systems. Salesforce is the most preferred platform for countless manufacturing companies all over the world. With its wide range of features and integrations, Salesforce eases the challenging process of digitally transforming your business.

Here are top 4 Salesforce’s capabilities that make it the trusted platform for manufacturing companies:

  1. Customer-centric Approach: As we’ve established above, to gain a competitive advantage in the cutthroat competition, companies must place their customers at the center. Salesforce provides you with real-time information on your customer interactions and issues so that you can deliver the best-personalized service. By maintaining customer satisfaction, your digital transformation journey would be hiccup-free.
  2. Transparent Processes: Salesforce lets you drive transparency in a company’s business by ensuring that there is a single reliable source of data. A consolidated view of business agreements, order management, inventory, revenue, etc. helps you stay on top of things.

Such integration of data on the granular level makes decision making a seamless process. Added to that, all your employees have ready access to the information they need, cutting down unnecessary delays.

  1. Forecasting: For a growing business, or for a company that has implemented digital transformation, accurately forecasting the needs and growth metrics is crucial. Even slight missteps can spell doom for the company. Salesforce leverages the power of its advanced analytics tools and powerful AI to help you make accurate forecasts of your planning, operations, finances, and sales.

With accurate forecasts, you can allocate your budget effectively and take a lean approach to resource utilization. Analytics also provides actionable insights so that you can make comprehensive and well-informed recommendations.

  1. Seamless Communication: During times of major technological overhaul, proper communication is critical. A platform like Salesforce allows your interdepartmental teams to communicate seamlessly. The platform connects your other applications and software to the ERP and Order Management Systems so that the information flow is streamlined.

Salesforce also improves your communication channel with your customers. By providing omnichannel communication capabilities, Salesforce lets you respond to your customers’ queries effectively.

With a decade of Salesforce consulting experience in the manufacturing industry, CEPTES brings the power of Salesforce to your company; CEPTES’s Salesforce solutions help you seamlessly collaborate your business processes, gain a complete 360-degree customer view, and secure better returns on investments. Our experts will guide you throughout your digital transformation journey to help you get the best out of Salesforce. To know more, please get in touch.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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