The little we know a couple of months back that the world will go through such a huge crisis that will not only impact human beings but also businesses and communities. Challenges are there & the world is fighting to come out of this unprecedented situation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those frontline healthcare workers from around the world who are taking this fight of their own and working selflessly & tirelessly.
For a decade long now, we are laser-focused on customer success on the world’s #1 CRM platform. We have been helping enterprises from varied industries with scalable solutions on the Salesforce platform as CEPTES is a proven Salesforce strategic partner that drives sustainable business results in less time. As the medical emergency over the COVID – 19 escalated, we took immediate measures considering the well-being & safety of our employees as this was our foremost priority and asked our teams to start working from home by keeping themselves safe & isolated. The challenge for us was to maintain the high customer relationships that we are known for and keep the projects running in order to help our customers protect their business continuity.
The topmost challenges for the project managers were to maintain the connection with our customers considering digital communication as the only available form of communication, seamless collaboration among the team members in order to ensure meeting the project deliverables, and stand in solidarity with the customers and team members without physically being there with them.
Created an empathetic culture
There is chaos everywhere. The panic button has been pressed. During this time, it is a little unrealistic to expect people to focus on customer success. The circumstances will certainly impact the work deliverables. We focused on creating an empathetic culture where we give importance to personal priorities as well. At this time, the only thing that everyone needs is mutual support.
Our project managers communicate with each of their team members on a regular basis. We conduct online team meetings using digital channels in order to set our project priorities so that it won’t impact performance, availability, communication, and quality. We are also encouraging our employees to work directly with their clients using online mediums for communication & collaboration. Our leadership team is making sure that none of the employees are overburdened with work so that it becomes difficult for them to deal with external challenges.
Listening to our employees, their concerns, challenges while working remotely, dividing tasks without overburdening one person, regular communication, using collaboration tools and most importantly standing with them during this pandemic is what makes us efficient enough to maintain high customer relationships at this time.
Customer success
At this time, listening to our customers is equally important as listening to our employees. We understand that the biggest challenge for enterprises today is seamless business continuity amid the coronavirus crisis. Working closely with our customers now is more important than ever. Timely communication will itself solve a lot of challenges. We talk with our customers, listen to their concerns, understand their immediate priorities and work as per the mutually accepted goals. We have built crisis management teams for our major project support & the team members offer round the clock support to address any uncalled issue. In order to manage our customer’s time, we are keeping the agendas tight and clear, so that they can also focus on other external priorities. In order to make communication smooth, we have made many collaboration tools available for our customers too.
It’s a challenge to collaborate with a team of 100+ trailblazers while working remotely, but so far we have done a noble job. It’s time to stand in solidarity with our employees and support them in every aspect. If we take care of our employees & listen to them, they will take care of the customers & listen to them. Get in touch with us for all your Salesforce project queries.
#Staysafe #Stayhome We will win this battle.