How CEPTES Balances its Employees’ Work Life?

How CEPTES Balances its Employees' Work Life

Workers across the globe struggle to strike a perfect balance between their family and work. With our schedules getting tighter and busier day by day, it gets challenging to maintain both – work and office for many of us.


Work-life-balancing is challenging and involves juggling the workplace’s stresses with the pressures from family/friends/self. Employees now want greater control over their personal lives and more authority in their jobs.


Modern employees prioritize personal needs and seek work-life balance accordingly. Age, new technology, different working conditions, and poor management trigger this. 

On the other hand, when employees have better control & ownership of their personal lives, it reflects on their work-life and their relationships with the management improve. Balanced employees never carry their work issues home and vice-versa. 

As a result, they are highly productive at work and have, usually, fewer conflicts with management and coworkers.


CEPTES Helps Employees Maintain Work-Life Balance

Happy employees are an asset, and they can take the business to newer heights of success. That is why pro-employee companies like CEPTES always focus on encouraging and maintaining a perfect work-life balance. 

More excellent employee retention, more loyal employees, and a bigger pool of talented employees are a few of the many benefits of having happy employees onboard.  


Work-Life Balance 

How is CEPTES Able to Strike This Balance?

CEPTES implements flexible working and different time-off policies, creates environments, so the staff don’t feel drained & stressed, and promotes healthy discussions to ensure employees are relaxed and productive at the workplace. 

Over the years, thanks to the IT and communication revolution, regular working hours have extended beyond the typical office hours. 

Unlike the earlier days when people used to work manually and wind up the task of the day as office hours would end, things have changed drastically now. Information and communication are so easy now, and you can access the resources anytime, anywhere. 

As a result, employees spend longer periods working than they did before, which is a severe concern here at CEPTES, and that is why the management recommends all employees to complete their work within office hours and unwind when they are home.  

The management here is highly pro-employee, and employees are advised never to mix office and home. An overstressed employee can never enjoy personal life, and when the person fails to find private life suitable, that directly reflects on his/her professional life and vice-versa. Furthermore, it has a very negative impact on that person’s physical and psychological well-being. 

The top management and seniors here at CEPTES strongly believe that work-life-balancing is not just about reporting to the office on time and leaving on time. Instead, it is about completing your high-priority tasks within office hours, going back home happily, and enjoying your personal life. 

Prioritizing things matters a lot here, and it makes all the difference to how well a person can achieve that perfect, dream work-life balance.


To help employees achieve a perfect work-life balance, CEPTES does the following:

Time off 

Allowing employees time off is the finest and easiest way to help them cope with professional stress. At CEPTES, we encourage employees to take a walk, go out and relax for a while or do some simple desk exercise or whatever makes them feel better, so they are stress-free at work.

Health is wealth 

At CEPTES, we believe that a healthy person can take better care of all the responsibilities and challenges that come. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t mean only limiting your diet to healthy foods, but it has a lot to do with physical activity, exercise, peace of mind, and social interaction.

Plan well 

If you cannot plan well, you are indeed planning to fail. That is why we always recommend our employees to plan their daily tasks before they start their work, and this includes planning the functions so that all high priority and essential tasks are completed within office hours.

You don’t take your work home 

When you complete your work during your office hours, you don’t need to carry it home!

Flexible timings 

We understand that every individual is different and has different schedules (personal). By allowing flexible working hours, we will enable them to choose from the available shifts at their convenience.

Time management 

If you cannot manage your time, trust me, things will soon become unmanageable for you!

You don’t miss your hobbies 

Cherish your hobbies and plan your life in a manner that leaves you with ample time to take care of your hobbies as well. Nothing can refresh you better than this for sure!

Other than this, CEPTES offers paid vacations, welcomes feedback from employees, provides health and life insurance benefits to employees, and allows remote work and work from home as well.

Are you also looking for that perfect balance between your work and life? Join CEPTES!

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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