How to Become a Champion in Salesforce?

Customers are hailed as the king of every business! In today’s customer-oriented business world, Salesforce connects customers and businesses together. This cloud-based CRM platform provides a single customer view to the different departments of the business organizations, helping them resolve customer issues, foster fast communications, and gain customer’s trust through personalized interactions.

People proficient in developing and using Salesforce are in huge demand in the corporate world. So if you are the one who wants to explore this booming career, learning Salesforce can prove to be a springboard for your success. 

To guide you better, our colleague, Praveen Patro talks about how to become a champion in Salesforce and how you can upgrade your skills.

“Hello folks, I’m Praveen Patro working in CEPTES as a Consultant- Senior Software Engineer. 

Salesforce can be a daunting task to master, but working with the right organization you can easily master it. It is an intriguing platform that one must take on with courage if one wants their career to succeed.

The first thing you need to do is find a platform to work as a Salesforce developer. When the opportunity arises, all it takes is your willpower and passion for learning! Just make sure to take up whatever project or task excites you most– so that it won’t be too hard on yourself when times get tough.

In my experience, the best way to get ahead is by working in an organization that offers both support and mentorship. I am fortunate enough to be working in CEPTES which has been a great journey so far with senior members always providing guidance when needed. With their invaluable assistance, it’s easy overcoming all of the work challenges.

Working at CEPTES has made me feel appreciated and valued as an employee. I’ve been there for more than five years now, which is the longest time in my career so far!

Managers who take care of their employees not only make them happier but they also end up being better workers too—I am a prime example of this myself!

With every passing day here, it feels like home to me with people around you that really support your work ethic and goal-oriented attitude towards achieving success here; both professionally or personally. All these factors have led me to be content working where I am today because life doesn’t get much better when you are surrounded by good colleagues while having no worries about things going undone.

All you need is the guts to get into this ecosystem, and the rest will follow your path.

Here’s compiled a list of Salesforce training resources from where you can upgrade your skills and become a champion in Salesforce. But most importantly, it’s up to us if we want to implement what we learned or not because that’s how mastery happens – by practicing on our own experience with implementing!”


Best Resources to Become a Master in Salesforce


Salesforce provides a well-curated learning platform for all beginners in the form of the trailhead. Trailhead is a fun way to learn about new skills. It contains interactive online tutorials which not only make learning fun and entertaining but also serve as a useful resource for all developers and administrators at Salesforce. 

Its content is organized in a form of a three-level hierarchy: trails, modules, and units. These levels are arranged in a predefined sequence so that you don’t have to spend much time deciding what to read. What makes this learning tool so special is its crisp and engaging content encapsulated in the short videos of 10-15 minutes. 

You are also provided with interactive assessments after the end of every unit so that you can have a healthy appraisal of your learning. So don’t wait for long, and get yourself recognized for your expertise on the dashboard of trailhead by earning awards and badges after the successful completion of every unit and module. 


“All you need is the guts to get into this ecosystem, and the rest will follow your path.”


“Managers who take care of their employees not only make them happier but they also end up being better workers too—I am a prime example of this myself!”


Certifications Taken So Far

  • Salesforce Platform Developer 1 Certification
  • Salesforce Admin Certification

Learning from the Experts

You can become a specialist in Salesforce by following the courses offered by experts on various platforms. There are many experts who are acclaimed for knowledge and expertise in Salesforce. You can keep track of their LinkedIn accounts and YouTube channel where these experts regularly update about their latest work in Salesforce.

Optimize LinkedIn Learning

Now LinkedIn is not limited to a platform for connecting professionals, building networks, and finding new opportunities. It is also a stage for learning new skills and keeping pace with the developments happening in various fields. LinkedIn has started its education platform where self-paced learning is provided by the industry’s experts through the mode of interactive training.

Now explore the plethora of expert-led courses free for a month on LinkedIn, and give yourself a chance to secure a well-paying job by becoming a champion in Salesforce.

Supplementary Training Resources

Apart from instructor-led classes and self-paced learning, you can also upgrade your skills in Salesforce with the help of educational materials. These additional resources are available in the form of tip sheets and implementation guides. 

With the help of these materials, now beginners can comprehensively learn Salesforce basics and its specific features. Become successful by exploring the features and strength of Salesforce through the way of these additional materials!! 

Summing Up

We hope the above points mentioned above capture adequate Salesforce training resources from where you can advance your skills, and explore your prospects in Salesforce. So make sure to utilize at least one resource wisely, and become a champion in Salesforce. You can also visit our blog at CEPTES and gain in-depth knowledge about the Salesforce ecosystem. CEPTES is looking for highly enthusiastic individuals to join our fantastic organization and help shape the future. Check out our careers page where great opportunities are waiting just for YOU.

Thank you for reading!

About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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