How to Boost Customer Retention using Salesforce Omni Channel


Customer service is as important, if not more, as the product you’re selling. Salesforce research states that 73% of customers would switch brands if they experience inconsistent after sales service. Yes, that’s difficult to fathom, but it is indeed the reality!

So how can your company leverage this untapped potential? The answer is by using Omni channel services. It not only helps in attending customers at the right time, but also ensures that proper feedback is obtained for further improvement in service quality. 

Let’s discuss several use cases of Omni channel & Salesforce service cloud in detail.

What does Omni channel mean in general?

Before jumping onto the main topic, it’d be great to know the meaning of this term. So, as you might know, now companies are present on virtually every platform. From Social media, to email, and from online chat rooms to traditional phone calls, you can approach the company through any means. 

This is called Omni channel presence. And while it might look simple from an outsider point of view, catering to customers who approach brands from different channels gets difficult for the support team. Just imagine getting 100 customer case requests from Twitter, 50 from traditional phone calls and another 20 from Email, how would you assign the tasks? How would you segregate high priority requests from low priority ones?

This is where Salesforce Omni channel comes into picture. 

What is Salesforce Omni channel customer service?

It has brought a revolution in the way companies interact with their customers. It puts the customer’s experience at the core by providing easy access to the customer service support. On the other hand, the support team is also benefited as the workload gets divided in an intelligent and optimum manner. 




Below we have listed down the several benefits of using this feature provided by Salesforce. So let’s have a view on the same.

Benefits of using Salesforce Omni Channel

  • Eliminates the ‘Cherry picking’

The job profile of customer service executives requires them to always be on their toes. This is why once in a while, they might engage in cherry picking of service requests which can be detrimental for the company. Omni channel eliminates this practice by optimum allocation of work so that they don’t get tired and consequently don’t cherry pick service requests. 

  • Proper Distribution of work

Omni channel leads to proper distribution of work. This is done through three manners:

  • First- Queue based assignment

For example, if a new case pops up, it would be assigned to an agent who is unoccupied at that moment instead of someone who is already working on two cases. 

  • Second- Skill based assignment

What if your company sells products in different countries? Naturally it would need people who are skilled in diverse languages. Here you can segregate agents on the basis of skills, such as Languages and the work would be routed to the appropriate person. 

In the same way, some agents might be thorough in Product related queries, while others may be fluent in solving tech related issues. Omni channel ensures you can keep a database of agents based on their diverse skill sets and allocate the work accordingly. 

  • Third- External Routing

Do you wish to use your existing communication channel with Salesforce Omni-channel? You can do so by integration with the Omni channel. This gives the support team more routing options for their work. 

  • Don’t need to wait for agents to grab work

In the erstwhile setups, cases had to be grabbed by the agents. However, Omni-channel makes sure if the agents are available for work, the case gets automatically routed to them. All they need to do is share their availability status and the rest of the work is done by the software. 

  • Proper training of agents

In the past, most of the times tough cases were handled by seasoned agents whereas other agents used to take simple cases only. This made them less trained and consequently lack of up-skilling prevailed. Now with the queue based routing, agents have to take work regardless of the difficulty level and over time they get skilled in the work. 

  • Agent productivity report: boon for managers

You can see how much time an agent is spending on a particular case, how many cases your agents are declining, and so on. For a manager, assessing a team couldn’t be any easier than this. With Salesforce regularly rolling out updates to improve the analytics even more, the managers can rest assured that their job would become easier in future. 

  • Omni channel feedback 

Getting instant reviews by customers on the service quality they received is essential for a business house to evaluate their work. The best part is that you can get timely feedback from the customer, meaning just after the interaction takes place, and so on. 

  • Easy configuration of Omni Channel

The best part about it is that there isn’t any coding required to configure or get started with Omni channel. All you have to do is search for ‘Omni channel settings’ on your platform and switch it ‘ON’. Thereafter you can enable other features also such as creating service channels, create routing configuration, assign routing configuration to queues, create presence configuration, create presence status, add presence status to profile, add Omni channel box to UI and so on. 

Overall, the tool makes sure the customers and agents both are benefited and overall productivity of the organization gets a good boost in the whole process. 



This is all from our side. We hope you found this article helpful. These are just some of the use cases of Omni-channel and you can read more on our blogs to get information about the same. 

Salesforce is a lot of fun and the best utilization happens when you understand how all the features work. We’ve written blogs with extensive information about Salesforce and its benefits for organization. 

Thanks for reading. Have a great day!

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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