How to Integrate WhatsApp with Salesforce

We all know WhatsApp is a popular messaging application used by more than 1.5 billion people in over 180 countries. Interacting with the customers on a broader user base like WhatsApp will skyrocket the business growth.

Want to integrate WhatsApp into your Salesforce?

Welcome aboard!

Here is a glimpse of a bird’s eye view of the options available.

Behold the gems to success:

Direct Approach

Your customers can communicate using the WhatsApp messaging app, and you can reply using just a Search console.

To set up WhatsApp integration, you need to have lightning experience with the digital engagement add-on SKU, or you need to have the following editions: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions with Service cloud or Sales cloud.

You need to have permissions to configure messaging, authorize WhatsApp by customizing Application and managing authentication providers, and to view channels by viewing setup and configuration.

You can interact with your customers through customer-initiated conversations that require your response within 24 hours or through business-initiated, pre-approved, template messages that can be sent at any time.

Before sending an outbound notification through WhatsApp, you need to have an end user’s consent obtained through another communication channel such as email or text message or as a part of your company’s regular business processes.

You have the freedom to send text messages, images, messaging templates, and PDFs using WhatsApp. You can use up to 250 phone numbers for WhatsApp on your Facebook business manager account, with WhatsApp approval. Messages can be of a maximum of 1600 characters, image formats can be of PNG, JPEG, or JPG format, and file upload size can be of a maximum of 5 MB. 

You cannot send other components like stickers, audio files, locations, or contacts using WhatsApp. You can only view the message sent by the customer rather than the replies to specific messages.

Integrate using API

Depending on your business, you can integrate WhatsApp using REST/SOAP APIs. Although there are a lot of API libraries available, this approach is time-consuming and very rigid.

You should follow this approach only if your organization demands so, or there are security concerns to stick with it. This approach can be cost-effective if you develop the bridge prudently.

Install from AppExchange

Integrating WhatsApp using AppExchange is the easiest way. By installing and then configuring the App within a few hours, you will be able to integrate WhatsApp into Salesforce.

You need to ensure that the App is worth using, and the App development cycle is fast and consistent. Consult with the experts to find the perfect App that suits your needs.

Briefly, you can either

  1. Integrate using Salesforce in-built feature, or
  2. Integrate with the help of API libraries, or
  3. Use apps in Salesforce AppExchange.

If the business has special needs to connect with the customer deeply, then we can create our App to integrate with WhatsApp. Either you can create the App on your own or can consult with the expert PDO. 

CEPTES, as a Certified Salesforce Silver consulting partner with over a decade of technical expertise, provides the service starting from the initial build to test and deploy with an accelerated development cycle.

If you want to build an app or need any service, then consult now.

About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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