Salesforce introducing Experience Cloud, build on the the Customer 360 platform

It’s been a week of announcements for Salesforce, with the latest being the introduction of Experience Cloud, built on the Customer 360 platform. With Experience Cloud, businesses can rapidly go digital by building their websites, mobile apps, and other digital customer interaction points. 

Experience Cloud has been designed by bringing together Experience Builder, Salesforce CMS, Mobile Publisher, and a suite of web apps to transform the entire customer journey. Customers gain a competitive advantage because they have taken the first step, leveraged data to create meaningful relationships, and unified every aspect across a seamless customer journey.

Digital transformation is essential for businesses to survive, with customers looking for online experiences and showing trepidation to visit physical locations. Salesforce is committed to helping businesses craft engaging experiences, empowering them to make intelligent business decisions with the information. They’ve outlined a few guiding principles and some customer success stories at the link above.

Get started on Trailhead here. For more information get in touch with our experts at CEPTES to get started on your digital journey today.

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