Salesforce latest Einstein’s AI tool can detect feelings !!

einstein ai

It’s time to be alert!! Now even Robots can identify anger as well as fear, or any other sentiment, that you might share with a corporation over the Social Media.

At a TrailheaDx developer conference held in San Francisco, Salesforce announced the launch of it’s three new tools, to make it easier for developers to incorporate artificial intelligence into a custom application. To be precise, Salesforce is expanding its Einstein artificial intelligence service for marketers to measure brand sentiment and as well recognize the picture of the subject. It is hence, great news for companies looking to boost the efficiency of their inventory management and customer service.

An Insight
The vast number of 4 million developers being present in the developing community of Salesforce, creates apps that run on top of their primary customer relationship management product. These are in turn utilized by their users to customize the tools. Last year the Salesforce Einstein, which is known to provide artificial intelligence capabilities to developers have been adding different types of AI-related features. These included certain features like, Guidance that predicts the financial performance based on performance data, and even Discovery, which helps users to find the insightful needle in the haystack of data.

However, the new services that appeal to marketers more are the sort of tone of any given text. Yes!! It’s true that now a developer can consider a text as positive, negative or neutral. Let us have a look at the three new services:

Einstein Sentiment – This is the one that analyzes a text over the social media platform or even the reviews, to clarify the reaction over it. Now one will be able to judge whether one loves, hates, or is completely indifferent towards their product. An added feature to this is that it lets you reach out to the haters with support answers, without having to read the tweets.

Einstein Intent – This is said to be more focused on the inbound communication to a business through some support channels. It is again said to analyze texts in hopes of correctly routing and even responding accurately to a customer request.

Einstein Object Discovery – This is nothing but an image recognition model, which can diligently be trained to recognize your product even in the wild. Salesforce is said to think that product companies shall utilize this to identify inventory levels at retails stores. However, this has been designed to detect when someone is slamming your product over the social media platform with just a picture, without even mentioning the product name.

Hence, this is another example of a major cloud service provider, for organizations to maintain a more detailed customer management system!



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