Salesforce Managed Services- Why you need the experts

Salesforce is known worldwide as one of the best CRM platforms. However, with your ever-evolving business models as well as Salesforce’s tools, it becomes quite difficult to stay on top of the latest features and functionalities. With a proactive approach rather than the same-old reactive approach, Salesforce Managed Services aim to nip any potential problems in the bud.

Most of the companies have their own de facto administrators. Others use the services of outsourced professional services. This method of working proves costly and needs to be altered frequently, in accordance with new features of Salesforce, as well as changes in the company’s operations. With Salesforce Managed Services, a company can leverage the expertise of the Salesforce admin team for much lesser costs than it takes to hire in-house personnel. Your Managed Services Provider assigns resources to handle various tasks, from administrative tasks, custom development, bug-fixes, user training, data migration, release management, etc.

The benefits of Salesforce Managed Services are numerous, and the most advantageous ones are discussed below:

Dedicated team

The Salesforce Managed Services provider gives you a dedicated team of experts focussed on ensuring that Salesforce is running effectively as per your business. This means that your employees need not concern themselves with administrative tasks, they can instead focus on the core products and services. With a proactive approach, your Managed Services partners make forward-looking decisions to adapt to any future technological changes, thereby streamlining your operations.

User Engagement

Using these services improves user engagement. Any queries about the features and updates can be answered quickly and easily by the Salesforce experts. The experts will train the users and let them know the best ways to use the platform. With extensive technical experience, the experts are equipped to handle all types of customer concerns. You can, therefore, entrust the job of resolving customer queries to the experts.

Updates and critical issues

Updates and security patches are often very frequent, and it is difficult to keep up with them. With Salesforce Managed Services, companies need not concern themselves over keeping up with them; it gets handled automatically. A Salesforce Managed Service provider will inform you of critical changes that you may otherwise ignore and will ensure that your systems are up to date with Salesforce’s latest patches and updates.


As opposed to full-time specialists that charge a premium, the pay-as-you-go model of Managed Services is highly flexible and scalable. The team of experts is available whenever you need them and you pay only when the services are provided. Whether you need work done once a week or once a quarter, the team is available accordingly, round the clock. The experts take the time to become well versed with your company’s system, internal setup, and its requirements.

Risk Identification

Managed Services enable you to identify risks at an early stage, reducing the potential damage considerably. Instead of wasting time and effort in damage control, you can focus on your core competencies. By anticipating risks and needs in advance, you can deliver the best services by expending less. This makes Managed Services extremely cost-effective and versatile.

Flexible Team

Your Managed Services Provider gives you access to experts of every role that you require, at any stage. You can get just an administration expert when you’re rolling out your platform, you can get a developer during the development phase, and so on. In this way, Managed Services offers you the flexibility to get experts as per your requirements.

To summarize, Managed Services offer expert help that adapts to your needs, scales with your operations, promotes flexibility, and allows your employees to focus on your core competencies so that you can make the best out of Salesforce. To know more, please get in touch with our Salesforce managed service experts.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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