As 2017 is drawing the final line, we are already looking forward to what the future has in store for Salesforce. Innovation in both technology and people is something that is predicted in this scenario. One of the major aspect to look forward, is what to acquire from Salesforce in 2018?
Today, we have the answer, along with ideas shared by experts. There are many experts who believe that with the launch of the Financial Services Cloud for Retail Banking, more and more banks will start using this platform to manage their customers and achieve increasing customer loyalty and minimizing internal silos.
This new year will also bring, better experiences and more digital journeys. 2018 might prove to be a promising one, with some great partnerships and more strategic acquisitions following the launch of Salesforce Ventures. Predictions have also led to the fact that companies like Amazon and Dell will be working on new solutions focused over customer service and innovation. As far as technological advancement is concerned, maturation of AI solutions such as Einstein, Machine Learning and IoT will as well happen.
There have been other experts, who have much talked about the vast transition over the Salesforce platform, from 2017 to 2018. Though it seems to be a single year, yet there are milestones that will be crossed this new year. The first 100% Lightning release from Salesforce, is scheduled in winter 18. The goal is to deliver seamlessly, what companies need to move from Salesforce Classic to Lightning experience. Also known as LEX (Lightning Experience), has the vital functionality needed for companies using Community Cloud and Service Cloud. In fact, few believe that investment addressing LEX performance issues, will be real-time investment in 2018.
It has been believed that Salesforce will soon move into DSP (Demand-Side Platform) within few months. This proves that if we look a little ahead, to 2018, without a footprint over artificial intelligence, then its completely useless. The Marketing Cloud for Salesforce cannot be imagined without Einstein and IoT. There cloud be recommendations over keywords and pricing for programmatic ads and real-time biddings with DSP. The bidding process based on maximum daily spends can also be automated.
Salesforce is also into the process of adding some new features within Lightning Automation tools; like Process Builders, FLOWS and Analytics, along with a face recognition feature too. This in turn will have a much bigger influence on Salesforce’s learning platform. It has also been estimated that there will be a huge growth of people migrating from other platforms to Salesforce. This will have an immense effect over the Health Cloud. In this manner, the Health Cloud will take a pick up in 2018.
The Commerce Cloud is also gaining momentum as we head towards the new year, along with the Wave Analytics. Salesforce, will indeed put in more effort into Machine Learning, IoT, and AI Einstein this year. In fact, there will be high-end machine learning, deep learning and predictive analytics pursued. Like others, even the Marketing Cloud will grow twice its size and will become more stable and widely used. Hence, it can be said that all the innovation, all the momentum will be with Salesforce this – New Year 2018.