Top 5 Salesforce Integration Tools to Boost Your Productivity


Boasting the greatest marketing team on the planet and still struggling to achieve your dream sales figure? 

Honestly, setting up an amazing marketing team full of go-getters is just half the job done. 

You need to do a lot more if you want your sales to jumpstart at the earliest.

The Ingredients for Smart Decision-Making


You’ll need max productivity, detailed & impressive reports, and intelligent analysis to get an insight that fosters smart decision-making. This is when Salesforce comes into the picture.


Salesforce is powerful and robust, but it cannot do the magic all alone! What next? Well, the Salesforce company has taken care of that aspect as well. 

With AppExchange, a big marketplace of plugins, systems, and add-ons, marketers, and developers can benefit in more ways than it (Salesforce) is originally designed for. These tools help enhance the existing functionality of Salesforce.

Explore the AppExchange, and you’ll be overwhelmed for sure to see the massive repository of hooks, integrations, and proprietary systems that may leave you spoiled for a choice. 


Salesforce Integration tools are designed to help businesses improve their productivity. With the help of these amazing tools, you can speed up and automate your routine tasks.


Understanding the fact that you, as a marketer or a business, might not have enough spare time to research, study, and determine the best Salesforce integration tools to boost your productivity. 


Let’s quickly go over the top 5 Salesforce integration tools to help boost your productivity.




This Salesforce integration tool is focused on social selling and is designed to help you deliver the right message at the right time to the right people. InsideView does this through trigger events and by analyzing your connections on social networks. With InsideView, you can monitor more than 25K sources to gain an insight into sales intelligence required on business mergers, new product releases, executive shifts, etc. that are a must to help you stay on a leading edge.


Your sales team members can accumulate useful information from business prospects through the People Alerts feature that lets you actively monitor activities from their social media profiles and act on the spot. Furthermore, you can import & filter your contact lists by industry, revenue, recent events, and a lot more.


Sales Chatter


Lack of knowledge about some excellent inbuilt features of Salesforce makes most people think that this platform is not enough to help them save time in various business operations and that only a third-party tool can help them. But those who know will tell you that Sales Chatter is one such amazing Salesforce tool that you can use for ensuring a perfect balance between your project and task management. In short, you don’t need to logout from your business-page to view your social media handle. Chatter allows business owners to effortlessly allocate their social media campaigns to a specific group and get constant updates.


Also Read: Top 4 Considerations for Salesforce Integration


Conga Compressor


No more do we use external HDDs or pen drives for storing customer interactions. Thanks to the cloud, storing and retrieving customer interaction and information is so easy and quick now. The same cloud powers conga compressor and it saves your salesforce teams from the hassle of maintaining a tedious manual copy and paste culture. Salesforce utilizes this amazing tool for storing customer information in the existing templates that are found in Conga. This tool is straightforward to learn and use. One of the best tools for enhancing salesforce productivity, Conga helps speed up business operations through a seamless workflow.


Sumo Scheduler



Designed to simplify appointments, Sumo scheduler is meant for organizations that have to deal with the lengthy and complex sales cycle. According to the reports, most salesforce professionals waste much productive time managing emails and taking phone calls. With Sumo scheduler, you can reduce this time drastically and help your sales team focus on more productive and useful work that brings business for you.


Ebsta Inbox

ebsta-inboxEmail marketing becomes easy with Ebsta Inbox in place. With Ebsta, you get access to multiple emails (on multiple platforms like Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) on the same platform, meaning you don’t need to check each email’s inbox to see what’s there. Rather, you can view all the important emails in one place with Ebsta Inbox. Its several features will help your sales team become more productive and perform better.


Summing Up


These Salesforce integration tools have made Salesforce a truly seamless platform that businesses can use for a wide range of purposes- from email creation, reporting, social-media post-interaction, and more with immense ease. With these tools up your sleeve, you can manage thousands of clients daily without hassle. To leverage the best of the Salesforce integration tools for boosting your productivity, connect with the experts at CEPTES. Call us or schedule a demo to know more about these tools.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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