Top Salesforce Gamification Apps & How they can Transform your Sales Productivity

Top Salesforce Gamification Apps & How they can Transform your Sales Productivity

Do you feel a lack of productivity, motivation in the sales team?

Adopt Gamification in your organization. It has been around and rising recently. It is unlikely that you haven’t come across ‘Gamification’. 

Have you remembered constraining yourself to do some task in a very tight schedule to complete – which was seemingly impossible for you otherwise – and then rewarded yourself afterward. Yup. That’s gamifying your work life. 

So, what is Gamification?
Gamification adopts the fun and key addictive elements of a game into your real-life activities. They are boosting you to be productive with the same energy when you win the game.

Jane McGonigal, a game designer, reset her everyday life and created a method – a resilience-building game. Today, SuperBetter has been played by more than half of a million people.

You can increase your sales with the help of Salesforce gamification apps.

Here are the top Salesforce gamification apps: 

LevelEleven is a cloud-based gamification app designed only for Salesforce. LevelEleven can measure any metric that Salesforce tracks and gamify using a combination of leaderboards, automated emails, points, social recognition via Chatter, and badges from

LevelEleven emphasizes competition and recognition, using a public leaderboard to motivate representatives. The leaderboard updates itself in real-time and sends out notifications through email, CCTV, and Chatter. On Chatter, you can also customize their profile representing their brand and let others know how well they’re doing.

As per administrative standpoint, LevelEleven is adaptable and user-friendly. It offers a fully functional mobile app with a short installation time of 20-45 minutes. There is no need to work on the APIs or do any restructuring to get started.

LevelEleven is comparatively costly, but it is worth to use. Companies such as eBay, Comcast, and Akamai have already adopted and have found measurable results.

Ambition is industry-leading coaching and gamification software for the world’s smartest sales team. You bear the ability to run structured 1:1 and group coaching sessions and display the metrics that matter on – all in real-time – centralized dashboards. These email alerts trigger immediate action-proactively Spin up sales and fantasy-style competitions to drive productivity.

Ambition integrates with Salesforce and sales stacks, quickly turning their overwhelming data into easy-to-see and actionable insights. This will lead to better visibility inducing more motivation, and accountability for your representatives, and smarter sales coaching in the end, closing more deals.

Prodoscore is a proprietary scoring system that provides visibility into employee productivity. With the help of AI, Machine learning, and NLP, thousands of daily activities are captured and measured across cloud business tools like Salesforce, Office Suite, communication tools, and much more.

Actionable analytics allow leaders to measure worker productivity and create more opportunities by continuously improving processes. This data can predict better performance, enhance coaching, strengthen cloud tool adoption, improve employee retention, and streamline the employee experience overall.

Prodoscore aggregates daily activities into one simple score, with data summarised on an easy to use dashboard. The overall implementation takes less than 15 minutes.

Corsica is a gamification suite for Salesforce that provides your organization with features to manage sales goals, rewards, recognition, reports, and feedback on sales activity with the look-and-feel of a competition.

Corsica also integrates with Chatter to display achievements on profile pages, and broadcast sales win to any screen.

Another Salesforce-native cloud service, Hoopla, uses the same tools as LevelEleven to boost your sales and engagement, such as public leaderboards, points, badges/rewards, and real-time updates through

Hoopla distinguishes itself by incorporating powerful customization into its game displays and streaming video. Instead of integrating with Chatter, Hoopla has its public user profiles accessible from within Salesforce.

Hoopla is quick to install, allow managers to create competitions, contests, or leaderboards around any metric they choose. Hoopla mobile extends these same abilities to smartphones and tablets.

Hoopla is less expensive than LevelEleven, which makes it a better option for small-to-medium-sized teams.

To Count,

  1. LevelEleven
  2. Ambition
  3. Prodoscore
  4. Corsica
  5. Hoopla

Choose what’s best for you…. 

CEPTES is a Salesforce Silver Consulting & AppExchange Program Partner with ten years’ technical expertise and more than 80% certified Salesforce professionals. We deliver Salesforce offerings, including implementation, integration, migration, enhancement, development, and support of the Sales cloud. 

If you have a new idea for gamifying any existing sales model. Please get in touch.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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