Webinar – Transform your dream idea into a success AppExchange enterprise app

Do you have the next big idea that can potentially disrupt the market? Are you stuck somewhere in between ideation & execution? There we go. Here is an opportunity for you that can help you unleash the gateway to success. Join our AppExchange product development experts next week in an action-packed 30 minutes webinar to learn the key steps to build your next big product on AppExchange. 

AppExchange has been the biggest marketplace for applications built on the Force.com platform. Introduced in 2005, AppExchange currently has over 5000 applications with 6.5M+ installations. The marketplace offers apps for various niches, industries, categories, and specific functionalities that address multiple critical business challenges. Considered as the world’s #1 marketplace for apps, AppExchange is the home for many billion dollar apps today. 

Building an app on the Force.com platform and getting it listed on the AppExchange is not an easy task. You need a high level of expertise along with Salesforce platform knowledge, a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem & how it works, as well as other aspects related to adopting & implementing the best practices for a successful app launch by mitigating the risks, minimizing the costs, and accelerating the GTM time. This is where it is important to understand the role of a Salesforce PDO partner and how they can help you streamline your app development process leveraging their platform expertise and app building experience. 

In the upcoming webinar, our certified AppExchange product development experts will cover all the aspects related to AppExchange product development including the cost, time, roadmap, and how to take care of all the critical phases related to technology adoption, app design, development, security reviews, testing, pricing, and launching. The webinar will also talk about the advantages of having a PDO partner & how they can help you transform your idea into an amazing AppExchange solution. 

Join us on 2nd September at 10:00 AM PST to explore end-to-end AppExchange product development that will include:

  • What is the cost of building an app on AppExchange?
  • What is the time involved?
  • What could be the roadmap and what are all the aspects to consider?
  • Who will own the app? (How to Protect Intellectual Property Rights)


Title: Transform your Dream Idea into a Successful AppExchange Enterprise App

Date & Time: 2nd September, 10:00 AM PST

Duration: 30 mins

Get yourself ready to cope with the COVID-aftermath & transform your next big idea into a successful enterprise AppExchange application. 

Please register here.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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