What is Salesforce’s Work.com & how is it helping companies safely reopen post COVID – 19?

The COVID – 19 pandemic has not only hit human lives but also businesses and communities. It’s a real challenge for organizations to come out of this challenge in order to imagine their business. Salesforce has come up with a new product Work.com which can help companies and communities safely reopen their business while putting employee health and safety first.

Work.com is an aggregate of specialist advice, partners solutions, and products to help organizations around the globe reopen, recover, reskill their workforce, and respond efficiently to the crisis. This product is ideal for business leaders who are looking for a holistic view of their business data that are useful, in addition, tools to help them plan resource & shift management, to reopen their offices safely. The entire suite is built on the Salesforce platform powered by Customer 360. 

Here are some of the top features of Work.com;

Work.com Command Center

The Command Center is a single-pane-of-glass where business leaders can manage all the complexities related to business resuming including evaluating the return-to-work readiness across locations, employee welfare, visitor tracking, making data-driven business decisions, and efficient communication. Command Center integrates data from internal applications & employee wellness surveys and surface public data through the Tableau COVID-19 data hub. Leveraging Mulesoft, data from other sources can also be integrated for custom data visualizations. 

Employee Wellness Check 

This is a part of the Work.com Command Center & helps securely monitor employee health and safety

Shift Management 

This will help to balance workplace coverage and employee availability while creating new capacity models that enable a safe return to work. This will control office density as organizations can avoid large groups in the office. 

myTrailhead for Learning and Wellness 

This is new content for myTrailhead to help employees skill-up on new ways of working with training, learning, and wellness programs. Employers can ensure returning employees comply with new safety policies and have the information they need to succeed.

Emergency Response Management 

This is a comprehensive suite of products built in partnership with Accenture that allows health organizations and government agencies to manage all types of emergencies, deliver emergency care, and allocate resources quickly.

Contact Tracing 

This feature allows leaders to manually track health & relationships contacts in a safe & private approach by collecting individual data in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Volunteer and Grants Management 

This helps organizations fulfill their relief goals by providing flexible, scalable tools to streamline volunteer coordination and grantmaking processes.

Command Center & Shift Management are expected to be generally available in June 2020 & Employee Wellness will be a part of Work.com Command Center. Emergency Response Management including Contact Tracing will be available in the second half of May 2020. This will be a part of Health Cloud, Service Cloud, Lightning Scheduler, and Salesforce Maps. Emergency Program Management will be an add-on feature to Health & Service Cloud (Enterprise License). myTrailhead for Learning and Wellness will be live in June 2020. 

To get more info please visit: https://www.salesforce.com/work/


*source – Salesforce

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