While most businesses are struggling to re-establish themselves post-pandemic, only a handful of them have the digital capacity to achieve it in time. Today, an uptick in the sales graph is the question of survival for many businesses, but a speedy recovery is only possible through the digitalization of business processes. Being dependent on conventional calls, sticky notes, and exchanging emails to update your team at every stage of a deal is too slow.
Today, the billion-dollar question is: How can small businesses develop a crisis and recovery strategy that ensures a boost in sales, post COVID-19? This is where cloud offerings come into the picture.
Thankfully, there are infinite possibilities on what we can achieve, once we head in the right direction. Here are a couple of tips that can ensure an exponential boost in productivity and make you ready for a post-pandemic scenario :
Accepting the situation is key. To get an edge over the COVID-aftermath, make sure to review business models, revenue models and lead generation tactics. Chart out fresh plans to boost sales productivity and recovery strategies.
Small businesses must cope with the fact that a business model or a sales team that relies heavily on offline structures, must transition to digital platforms for a higher success rate. Relying on traditional methods alone might not provide the best results in these turbulent times, but add to it a competent sales process automation platform, and voila! Witness a boost in sales productivity like never before.
Sales Partner
Needless to say, sales is one such field wherein time is of the essence. Most small businesses follow the traditional style of maintaining hand-written logs, manually setting up appointments, using sticky notes to scribble useful information, and so on. Such a format might work in conventional situations, however, it also causes delays- something small businesses can’t afford in a post-COVID scenario.
Investing in a technology partner to inculcate sales automation strategies, is bound to be profitable.
Customer Retention
Post-pandemic is bound to present an unprecedented situation for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). Not only will they be striving to stay afloat, but competing to gain an edge over each other. Information gaps, lack of active feedback measures and delayed grievance redressal might result in poor communication with customers, thus putting a dent on customer satisfaction.
Thankfully, you can pipeline all your data, address queries and grievances much faster and turn cold leads into potential customers leveraging a powerful CRM.
Digital Transformation
A digital transformation would entail tracking real-time data to make important decisions. The reason why a Salesforce CRM is an exemplary choice for small businesses is because of its striking features tailored for small businesses, intuitive automation, robust analytics tools that help spot trends in the data, realise touch points required to close a sale, flag any delayed or overdue opportunities, scale the difference between actual and predicted sales and increase customer retention.
CRM will empower and assist your teams to work remotely and engage customers. For small businesses to survive, nay, thrive post-COVID, they’d need to undergo a digital transformation, implement a Salesforce CRM and make way for automation.
CEPTES, a Salesforce partner, has been focusing on helping MSMEs boost their productivity and accelerate their business for over a decade. Take on the post-pandemic challenge head-on, and get success with CEPTES. To know more, please get in touch.