Salesforce Introduces brand new platform, Digital 360

Salesforce has introduced Digital 360, a new platform for the emerging digital workforce to drive customer engagement from anywhere in the world. This platform will be a part of Salesforce’s commitment to teams working separately across the globe, bringing together features and innovations from the Customer 360 platform.  The platform will be augmented with expert […]

Enhancing your Salesforce CRM performance with Einstein AI

We all agree Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology in today’s data-driven business world. There are vast amounts of data generating from multiple sources, and it is nearly impossible to collect, store, use, maintain, and access all the data. Data is the new oil and it is extremely essential for businesses to unlock data […]

How to Manage Dependency Injection within Salesforce

If you don’t know what Dependency Injection is, why it is required, which problem does it help us resolve, and how Dependency Injection is used in Salesforce, then don’t worry; by the end of this article, you will be clear of all your doubts. What is Dependency Injection (DI)? Dependency Injection is a design pattern […]

Why you Need a Real-estate CRM – Top Five Reasons

The real estate sector has been one of the top contributors to any economy. With continuous process automation & digital transformation, the industry can streamline it’s critical business processes & sustain in a highly dense competition. However, the real estate industry is one of the most inactive technology adopters in order to automate certain repetitive […]

Top 3 Crucial Sales Processes that can be Automated using Salesforce

A streamlined sales process is a lifeline for every company. It leads to customer focus, retention, & enhanced productivity. Critical business processes are often interconnected & dependent on each other. They need a lot of attention, manual tracking, continuous testing & issue rectification for the smooth functioning of day to day business. Often, there are […]

Top Five Takeaways from Salesforce LIVE India

“Trailhead saw 70% uptick in youth sign-ups during lockdown” Arundhati Bhattacharya, CEO, AND Chairperson, Salesforce India Last week was the first-ever Salesforce Live event hosted in India, which is a testament to our growing community in the country. The all-day event was kicked off by Salesforce VP of Customer and Market Insights, Karen Mangia who […]

5 Reliable Ways To Retain Customers Using Salesforce

“Gaining a new customer is TEN times costlier than retaining an existing customer.“ Hope do you agree that, even though you are in a Blue ocean with zero competition in your business today, it is not very far to enter into the Red ocean with advanced features, better service at a competitive price from the […]

How to Integrate WhatsApp with Salesforce

We all know WhatsApp is a popular messaging application used by more than 1.5 billion people in over 180 countries. Interacting with the customers on a broader user base like WhatsApp will skyrocket the business growth. Want to integrate WhatsApp into your Salesforce? Welcome aboard! Here is a glimpse of a bird’s eye view of […]

Top 5 Best Practices to Ensure a Highly Secure Salesforce System

Usually, cloud services are vulnerable to malware and attacks. A recent increase in credibility over cloud applications is due to the leading cloud service providers like Salesforce.  Salesforce has several in-house services to secure customer’s data and provide robust features to the enterprises. “Salesforce Trust” provides updates on various attacks that can affect Salesforce customers. […]

How to Ensure Business Success on AppExchange?

“An entrepreneurial mind never settles.” Do you feel that the current pandemic will hinder your development? It would be best if you read this before arriving at such a pessimistic decision. Don’t settle, stay updated When everyone is against you, and everything is at stake, it is the right time to work on your idea. […]