Why Smart Salesforce DevOps is the Answer to All Your Change Inefficiencies

Smart Salesforce DevOps

What is Smart Salesforce DevOps?

DevOps brings together the set of development and operations and helps teams build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. This includes continuous integration and continuous delivery- CI/CD by focusing on the development pipeline’s early part.

Smart Salesforce DevOps, an emerging innovative solution for addressing change inefficiencies, tries to combine DevOps principles while building Salesforce applications.

With an ever-evolving ecosystem of technology, every organization aims for a fast deployment of salesforce today. This is why these organizations look up to their Salesforce DevOps teams for helping them with their features and release management to standardize and enhance their release processes.  

A proficient testing process, proper change management, release management tools, and an apt analysis is a prerequisite for successfully completing projects. 


Why is Smart Salesforce DevOps Important?

For Tracking Version Control 

To avoid all sorts of change inefficiencies, creating a system that can monitor changes and keep well-managed records of all application versions is essential. Version control is the beginning of the CI process, and a lot needs to be done for this. 

Once the code is committed, it needs to be packaged and tested. A project might consist of multiple developers who make amends to the code; all the changes need to be accessible and visible for all the members to ensure transparency in the entire process. 

Developing with version control gives an advantage to the DevOps system because one can quickly revert changes anytime.



For Facilitating a Smooth Process

A Smart Salesforce DevOps process ensures planning the release & change management process smoothly before kickstarting the development process. Before assigning the developers’ tasks, one must possess a deep understanding of the requirements and prioritized. Understanding complex dependencies may help in strategizing better. 

Smart Salesforce DevOps helps assess potential pitfalls due to this complex dependency and supports sort testing requirements accordingly.


Brings Intelligence to the DevOps Process

By integrating intelligence into the Salesforce DevOps, one can easily compare Salesforce metadata against Solutions’ new potential development features to determine risks and possible dependencies, prioritize feature change and ensure proper testing of all the features.

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For Early Identification of Risks

Smart Salesforce DevOps solution averts potential inefficiencies by identifying risks early on and facilitating the testing of new requirements.

By utilizing software that maps out dependencies for your review, you can reduce the chances of errors.


For Conducting Impact Analysis

The Impact Analysis will chalk out the direct and indirect impact of the new change request, allowing the users to review all the potential implications while allowing assignments to be done simultaneously. 

With this, you can accurately carry out the planned changes and avoid unforeseen bugs and unintended consequences later in your deployment. 

Also Read: GitLab & Salesforce Integration – A New Way to Enable DevOps



Better Collaborations

Smart Salesforce DevOps solution streamlines the testing process for the risks that have been identified and ensures seamless flow of information. 

The developers and testers of a team can easily collaborate by creating a test plan and working according to it. You can take your efficiencies to the next level by integrating a tool into your existing DevOps. 

A Cohesive Management Process

Smart Salesforce DevOps solutions combine structured and comprehensive dependency review with the entire process of development. 

Consider including Smart Salesforce DevOps in your organization to ensure that all your DevOps initiatives give fruitful results. The money you are investing in the entire process doesn’t go down in drains. Smart Salesforce DevOps will revolutionalize the Salesforce processes and leave you amazed by its results. 




CEPTES is a Salesforce Silver consulting partner who can guide you as your strategic partner to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce.com investment through consultation, innovation, and digitization. If you want to grow your business using the Salesforce platform, we can help you. To know more, connect with us or request a consultation here.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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