How Sales Cloud’s new Social Intelligence Module will help sales reps leverage social data?

The selling process has changed. And it has changed drastically. If you observed how sales reps were dealing with their prospects, leads, and customers over the years, today it has completely transformed in the digital era with the advent of social platforms. Buyers are extremely active on various social media platforms and they are open to listening from brands. As per the LinkedIn state of sales report, 90% of the top-performing salespeople are now using social media as their primary sales strategy and traditional sales approaches like cold callings, meetings are rapidly becoming less productive.

Social media has become an essential account research channel in the modern day sales process and sales reps are spending more time researching to understand their customers better and have some meaningful insights before communicating with them. We all know research takes a lot of time, however, this is extremely important for a sales rep to grow accounts faster, find new customers faster, and close deals faster. But the goal of a sales rep is not to do research, the objective is to maximize sales and prior research makes the sales process easy. Finding meaningful information is one thing, but taking subsequent action after that like sharing it with your team is still a manual process. To address this problem and to help sales reps close more deals faster, Salesforce has introduced Social Intelligence Module in their Sales Cloud offering.

Social Data Platform

Salesforce’s application social studio has been their all-in-one social media marketing and management suite for a long time now. Social studio connects advanced social data in order to listen to the conversations, engage your community, publish on social media, and monitor customer engagement. And various social data platforms instigate other Salesforce features like social customer service. Social customer service today has extended beyond emails and conversations. Now social data platform is pairing up with Social Intelligence Module.

Introducing Social Intelligence Module

Salesforce has recently introduced this module in their Sales Cloud offering and Social Intelligence Module offers relevant and trending social media conversations of all your accounts, opportunities in Salesforce automatically without building any query. Once enabled, you can click on the account or opportunity of your choice to start getting valuable data points of that company. E.g if a salesperson set ‘Adidas’, s/he will get all the social news related to Adidas. A sales rep can also take necessary actions such as creating a lead, contact or task, share social intelligence on Chatter, connect with social personas, etc. right there in one-click without doing it manually.

To enable this feature, you just need to choose the account or opportunity name for the social platform (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), and it will bring you all the hashtags, mentions, discussions, tags related to that account or opportunity. Social Intelligence Module takes care of all the important information related to it. The best part is you can even set any keyword of your choice and get all the news related to that. E.g, if you are into ERP selling and set your keyword as ‘ERP’ or ‘Automation system’ or something relevant, you will get alerts every time someone mentions these keywords in the specified social platform. They are all your contacts and potential leads.

How to use this amazing module? All you need is Sales Cloud and Lightning. Your admin needs to set the features and your sales reps are ready to go. You can even get in touch with your account executive for further help. 

About Sales Cloud

Sales Cloud which is the world’s leading sales automation tool helps sales teams including sales managers and sales reps work smarter by automating various sales processes, increasing efficiency, accelerating sales productivity, creating a pipeline of leads, closing deals faster, and making insightful decisions with data – from anywhere using any device.          


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