Salesforce Summer 20 – Here are the Top New Features

Salesforce Summer 20 features are now live and available for the general customers. The new release includes over 300 innovations across the Customer 360 platform to help enterprises cope up with the current market shift. Here are some of the top highlights from the latest release: 

Salesforce announced its new product in the month of May to help companies and communities safely reopen their business while putting employee health and safety first. In the latest Summer 20 release, two of the top features of Workplace Command Center and Emergency Program Management have become live. 

Workplace Command Center will help organizations assess return-to-work readiness from a single hub to reopen their workplace safely. Employee wellness, training completion, shift scheduling, and facilities preparedness can also be managed and monitored. 

Emergency Program Management is a part of the earlier announced Emergency Response Management suite of products. This product helps organizations support residents, communities, and agencies during crises by providing access to emergency information and replacing manual processes with streamlined application processes.

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Service Cloud Voice

In order to enhance service agent productivity, customer satisfaction, and supervisor insights, Salesforce introduced voice into Service Cloud. Telephony channels can be integrated natively in the Service Cloud Console along with digital channels. Service agents use a single oni-channel module to accept customer interaction and with real-time call transcripts, they can connect workflows and next-best actions to the voice conversations. 

Sales Cloud: Einstein Call Coaching

With the new Einstein Call Coaching, sales reps can optimize customer interactions leveraging conversational intelligence. Managers can also get visibility into reps customer calls with the post-call insights. With Intelligent trend recognition, sales reps can create and improve strategies based on conversational trends. 


Salesforce also introduced Einstein Search and Customer Surveys to the platform. Users can design and embed surveys across customer journeys and integrate feedback to Salesforce objects to get better insight at each stage of the customer lifecycle. The power of Einstein Search will personalize search results based on a user and their work such as geography and industry. 

Healthcare & Life Science

To help healthcare service providers quickly access the disease spread and empower sales reps with clear inventory insights & the right equipment to meet current medical demands, Salesforce has rolled out a bunch of features. Sales Visit and Inventory Management empower sales reps with new visit & inventory planning tools to ensure they have the right products and resources at every visit. 


To engage shoppers and business buyers with comprehensive Commerce solutions, Salesforce’s new Commerce innovations allows users to deploy B2B Commerce with Lightning Experience in order to make it easy and fast for front end managers to run their sites quickly and stay connected to Salesforce data & processes. Apart from this, Salesforce has also introduced a set of other features & enhancements for B2C commerce customers including order management support for EMEA & ANZ, and other Order management enhancements.

Salesforce Private Connect 

With collaboration with AWS, Salesforce has introduced a secure, private communication between Salesforce and AWS. This means users can send private traffic between Salesforce and AWS regions without exposing that traffic to the public internet. 

To know more about the Summer 20′ release features, please click here.


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