MuleSoft : Achieve Faster ROI

As per research, an organization uses 900 applications on average. While having a large number of apps surely offers high functionality, the benefits are offset by a lack of integration between such them. 

And this harsh truth is demonstrated by the fact that only 29% percent of the apps can integrate/connect with each other. There’s an urgency to address this issue and this is where MuleSoft comes into the picture. Using the power of the Application Programming Interface, the #1 integrator platform helps in removing the bottlenecks that organizations face. 

Wondering how it could help in achieving a high Return on Investment? Let’s have an in-depth discussion about the same!

What is MuleSoft?

As already discussed, it is #1 integrator in the IT world that helps IT systems ‘talk with each other’ to speed up information flows, reducing organizational costs, et cetera. The best part is, it not only connects the organization’s internal systems but also third-party systems that may be needed to coordinate with. 

MuleSoft essentially takes all the drudgery from the organization away and helps them engage in meaningful tasks. As per research, IT teams of companies spend 70% of their time just keeping the lights on! This means less than 1/3rd of their time goes to building something productive that gives the organization new heights. 

How does MuleSoft help in increasing ROI?

MuleSoft leverages APIs to help the system integrate in a better way. There are several benefits of using MuleSoft which have been described below that’ll help in increasing the return on investment in a very short period.

-> Higher efficiency than traditional Point to Point connections

System integration methods are divided into different types:

  • Point to point integration that can handle a single function, 
  • vertical integration that serves a limited number of systems, 
  • star integration that allows more functionality and connects a large number of subsystem 
  • Horizontal integration, and so on.

MuleSoft is highly beneficial in every and more efficient than Point to Point connection as it decouples the system, allows developers to discover new ways to access legacy applications, and so on.

-> Faster Deployment

What’s the point of using an integrator if it takes significant time and effort for being deployed? MuleSoft considered this and built up a cloud-based solution that doesn’t require any dedicated server or database. Results- It doesn’t take any time to install, configure or even assemble any of the required constituents.

-> Reusable building blocks

Reusability of integration assets goes a long way in building a sustainable enterprise. Just like typical assets, these IAs also provide significant future benefits to IT and the business. And how exactly does it happen? Well, the first way is through increasing the developer’s efficiency. Here, reusing the code works wonders for the developer as they don’t have to redevelop it. This means they would be able to free up their time and engage in more productive endeavors. 



The other way reusable integrations assets help achieve higher ROI is by increasing efficiency that goes into maintenance. As stated earlier, 70% of the time of IT personnel goes in just keeping the lights on, this hurts the organization’s efficiency. At this place, if this drudgery is dealt with, then in turn organization efficiency is increased.

-> Plug & Play solutions

Plug & Play systems do a great job in freeing up the IT team and engaging them in more productive issues that need attention. Just like the other features mentioned above, this also aims at increasing ROI by making the customer experience better, the security stronger and regulation compliance easier.

-> Advanced API security

APIs have increasingly become the target of malicious hackers. While they offer functionality, these security issues take away a lot of credibilities they gain. This is why it is important to choose those integrators that protect the organization from such malicious hackers and users. 

MuleSoft pays special attention to the security of the system where such issues are non-existent, courtesy- the robust security infrastructure.

-> Minimal system requirement for operation and coding

As API-led solutions are efficient, there exists a low requirement of hardware such as RAM, SSD, and others to reach the desired efficiency. For example, a 4 GB laptop would be enough in handling all the coding requirements along with the normal day-to-day operations. 

Not only this, even if you are not a developer, you won’t face any issues in setting the system up and running. This also saves costs on hiring new personnel.

MuleSoft  Case Studies 

There are several case studies where MuleSoft helped start-ups, fortune 500 companies, and even government organizations increase their efficiency. 

  • NSW Health Pathology

The New South Wales Pathology- an Australian health organization had to integrate its different laboratories, pathology collections services, and employees to fight the pandemic. To bolster its business objectives and boost the health organization’s contribution, MuleSoft, leveraging its Anypoint platform, helped in accelerating testing for COVID-19, improving health outcomes with Point of Care Testing, and so on. 


INSEAD is a name known to everyone in the management sector. For a long while, it was dealing with issues such as information silos, operational efficiency, and so on. MuleSoft helped in minimizing manual tasks, increasing operational efficiency, and bolstering sales operations by integrating all the required constituents. As per INSEAD, they were able to save 80 development hours, and increase developer speed by 44% after employing MuleSoft. 

  • Forrester

Forrester serves as a leading case study on how companies could increase their ROI by a great number. As per reports, they were able to experience $7.8 million of benefits within just 3 years of employing Anypoint platform by MuleSoft. 

They also experienced other benefits such as a $4.2 million increase in API reuse through Anypoint Platform, $1 million in time-saving towards building new APIs and so on.

Best MuleSoft  and Salesforce Consultants in town

We hope the piece helped in identifying the way MuleSoft helps in increasing ROI for the organization. We suggest utilizing the combined power of Salesforce and MuleSoft to achieve terrific results. 

At CEPTES, we are a team of certified consultants helping companies improve productivity, minimize costs, and optimize productivity through Salesforce and MuleSoft. 

Connect with us today! We’d love to associate with you!

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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