CEPTES Achieves ISO 27001 Certification, Demonstrating Commitment to Information Security

We’re thrilled to announce a major milestone for CEPTES Software: achieving ISO 27001 certification! This internationally recognized standard signifies our unwavering commitment to information security, cybersecurity, and protecting the privacy of our clients and employees.

What is ISO 27001 and Why Does It Matter?

Think of ISO 27001 as a global stamp of approval for information security. It means we’ve been thoroughly vetted and proven to have strong systems in place to safeguard sensitive information. This includes everything from employee data and financial records to client projects and intellectual property.

A Journey of Dedication and Collaboration

As our CEO, Priya Ranjan Panigrahy, eloquently stated,

“Achieving the ISO 27001 certification is a significant achievement for us. This recognition underscores our commitment to information security and privacy. It’s not merely about obtaining a certificate; it’s a reflection of over a decade of rigorous practice and dedication to governance, process adherence, and standardization. This certification demonstrates that we have top-notch security measures in place to protect the confidential data of our customers, employees, and partners, and to handle any security escalations promptly.”

Benefits for Our Clients: Security, Trust, and Peace of Mind

The journey to ISO 27001 certification wasn’t just about compliance, it was about setting ourselves apart. This certification positions CEPTES as a trusted partner for enterprise-level clients who prioritize data security.

Here’s how earning ISO 27001 certification translates into real benefits for you:

  • Fort Knox-Level Security: We’ve implemented advanced security measures like secure coding practices, encryption, and around-the-clock monitoring to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Trust and Transparency: By adhering to the highest international standards, we demonstrate our dedication to information security. You can be confident that your data is in safe hands and that we take privacy very seriously. Our ISO 27001 certification gives you peace of mind, knowing your information is protected with the most advanced security protocols available.
  • Reduced Risk of Legal Issues: ISO 27001 certification signifies that we comply with various legal and regulatory requirements related to information security and we follow the best practices to keep your data secure.
  • Prompt Incident Response: Be assured that we have robust incident response plans in place, minimizing the impact of any security incidents.

A Culture of Continuous Improvement: Staying Ahead of the Curve

At CEPTES, information security isn’t a one-time achievement, but an ongoing process. We’re committed to constantly improving our security posture by staying ahead of developing threats and adapting our measures accordingly. This ensures your data remains secure, even as the digital landscape continues to evolve.

A Celebration of Shared Success and a Look Forward

Today, every member of the CEPTES team understands and adheres to the best practices in information security. This not only benefits our clients but also fosters a culture of security awareness within our organization. We are incredibly proud of this accomplishment, and it serves as a springboard for continuous improvement as we strive for greater heights.


About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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