CEPTES Career Reboot: Welcoming Returning Moms


“At CEPTES, we recognize that life transcends work. Sometimes even the most committed professionals might temporarily pause their career to look after aging parents, start a family, complete graduate study, or some other unique reason. Whatever the reasons may be when you’re ready to return to work, CEPTES is ready for you!”


The pandemic has disproportionately impacted working moms, forcing many women out of work. 

Women who are ready to re-enter the workforce have always struggled. 

In fact, 80% of women found it difficult to find employment after their break. 

A career gap is always a cause for concern. 

In addition, with a distorted gender-to-work ratio, women have few entry points but plenty of exit points. 

All these factors contribute to more barriers for women wishing to return.

 At CEPTES, we extend our support to the mothers who want to restart their career.

For them we have a #HopeStrengthBelief initiative that represents the Hope of re-establishing a career, the strength of overcoming barriers, the belief of becoming independent and succeeding. 

With this initiative, Sharmili Dash became a part of the CEPTES family. We asked her about her journey and how she returned to the workforce.

The conversation begins here-

What did you enjoy most about CEPTES and the one thing that you would cherish forever?

I joined CEPTES only during the pandemic, but I was stunned to see an organization where the employees are always excited and energetic even in this difficult time.

It is a well-designed workplace.

Every single soul here is energetic, has a fire in his belly, and at the same time does not spare any effort. 

The leaders here are the major motivator for every employee.

After a long five year career break, I was very reluctant to get back into the workforce.

However, when I resumed my career with CEPTES, It helped me to believe that it’s not the end of the world and that it’s okay to restart my career and it’s never late.

“I can give the best of myself even now-  I will stay with this positive approach for a lifetime.”


“CEPTES gives you the right platform to have successful second innings at work, to be yourself, and to be unstoppable.”


#HopeStrengthBelief – an initiative by CEPTES that represents the Hope of re-establishing a career, the strength of overcoming barriers, the belief of becoming independent and succeeding. 


Tell us about your Salesforce Journey

As a working mother with countless responsibilities such as household and family duties in this pandemic situation, it has been difficult to resume my professional career. 

At CEPTES, management conducts training and audio or video presentations of Salesforce.

It’s a great opportunity to have so much support from my colleagues. My salesforce journey has just begun. I believe pretty soon I will be turning into a qualified Salesforce professional.


“80 % of women quit their jobs after becoming a mother and only 35% can return back to the workforce. Why? Because they don’t get the right platform. At CEPTES, we help women to integrate seamlessly back to the corporate world, empowering them by bridging learning gaps and harnessing their true potential.”


CEPTES wants you to transition back to work with Confidence.

Explore our careers page to know more about the opportunities. 


Share us your interests, learnings, and achievements with us

I had a very good exposure through different CEPTES projects which helped me learn and grasp the new Salesforce technologies. 

My seniors and leadership team have been extremely supportive. Thanks to their support, I was able to adapt to the company’s work style.

It excelled my confidence and helped me to get engaged in big client projects with bigger responsibilities. The pleasure of working with demanding technology is great. Every day I felt like I had achieved something great, and it’s just a wonderful feeling ?


“The recent pandemic caused millions of people across the globe to hit the Pause button. One of the consequences of the current situation is that it leads people to re-examine their current careers.”


How has CEPTES helped and motivated you?

CEPTES has given me a vision to enhance my career in the fastest-growing technology in the world. Here, I could learn so fast and adapt quickly to the Salesforce world.

With every day that goes by, it’s not only the enterprise that grows but even me.


“At CEPTES, our people are the center of everything we do. We offer benefits to our employees to be the best in what they do.”


What Sets CEPTES Apart?

CEPTES offers an unprecedented level of support that includes-

  • Full-time opportunities
  • Challenging and rewarding work
  • Mentorship and upskilling for women
  • Professional development training



CEPTES makes every effort to make it easier for women to resume their careers. By providing women who return to work with the support they need to find an ideal job, we are helping them to transition back into the workforce with confidence. CEPTES initiative for Returning Moms aims to help women get started after a break. We aim to provide women with skills and guidance to overcome barriers in this phase of their careers. We also offer them the career guidance they need and help them develop roadmaps for a fruitful career and a rewarding life. Explore exciting opportunities by visiting our careers page.

About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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