Five Ways Banks Can Transform Service Engagement with Salesforce

Banks Can Transform Service Engagement with Salesforce

The banking industry has undergone a massive transformation in the past few years. Just a few decades back, the whole system worked in silos. 

However, this is not the case right now. 

With Fintech, AI & several assistive software, banks are now able to reach the last mile customer. 

However, as it’s said, the innovation should never stop, and this is why, to make the sector more inclusive and approachable, we discuss a few ways banks can transform service engagement with Salesforce

So let’s get started!


Identifying the Most Common Issues

You might have heard about Pareto Principle. It states that roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes for many outcomes. The beauty of this principle is it can be applied to virtually any situation and still holds. 

Now in the banking industry, there are several service requests, such as reporting a lost card, blocking the stolen card, or resetting passwords, and so on. These constitute a huge chunk of all service requests and communication between customers and customer service representatives.

You must identify them through Salesforce integration and tools and start introducing self-service and automation. 


Salesforce integration and tools


Engage Customer Service Agents in More Complex Tasks

After completing the above-mentioned suggestion, the next task is employing self-service and automation tools in online portals and mobile apps. Chatbots and myriad other ways could do this. 

What benefit would it confer? 

It would free up agents from dealing with trivial issues that could be sorted out by AI, and help agents in devoting more time to crucial issues that require human intervention. 

If we analyze the new inventions and innovation, one thing is common- the urge to reduce human involvement in clerical tasks that could be automated. So why not apply the same to banking operations?

Read: How Salesforce Extends Beyond CRM for Banking and Insurance


Engage Customer Service Agents in More Complex Tasks


Integrating Self-Service with Salesforce Tools

No matter how good the automation technology is, there would be some issues that need to be dealt with by customer service agents. 

Additionally, some customers don’t wish to utilize chatboxes and other tools, as they require someone they could trust, i.e., a human figure. This is particularly true in cases such as lost credit or ATM card, and so on, when anxiety takes over the ability to think sanely. 

Integrating self-service with Salesforce would bequeath 360-degree data to agents, enabling them to get a holistic idea about customer issues and cater to them accordingly. 


Hyper Personalized Solutions

We all want to live a convenient life. It would be great if banks could draw schemes and offers based on our profiles and personal banking activities. 

Salesforce provides several integrations through which customer data could be utilized in offering customers such personalization, which deepens their link with the bank. 


Hyper Personalized Solutions


Engaging with Inactive Customers

Salesforce allows the ability to look out for inactive customers and send them re-engagement mails such as offers, discounts, attractive credit schemes, and so on. 

This not only activates them but prevents them from being poached by another bank. 

As per research, acquiring new customers is 5-25 more expensive than retaining the existing customer. This is why it makes a lot more sense to reach out to existing clients financially. 



Salesforce has made its mark on every industry, and banking is no exception. The industry could be made more inclusive and reach the poorest of the poor, making our society a tad bit more prosperous. We hope the above-mentioned five ways help in transforming service engagements. CEPTES is a Salesforce Silver Consulting Partner that can transform your business value through consultation, digitization, and innovation. If you want to advance your business, connect with us or request a consultation here.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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