Lightning Experience – Time to Make the Leap?


What is the Lightning Experience?

The Lightning Experience is a new release in Salesforce. The term has been primarily coined to mean the latest redesigned interface in Salesforce that is known for offering several benefits and is helpful for the sales representatives as they can work smarter and faster. In other words, it’s not just a new user interface, it’s an effort to broaden and deepen the experience and customizability of the customer experience.

Benefits of Lightning Experience

1. Better User Experience: The new interface provides a better experience to the user. It is because the access to Salesforce objects remains in a hidden way through collapsible navigation. The UI unifies the user experience. It takes the cool stuff from the mobile experience and makes it available to desktop users. There is another improvement. The “autosave” functionality for Notes guarantees a better experience throughout the Org and as a matter of fact, the Notes now includes rich-text capabilities and the ability to relate a Note to multiple records is an added advantage.

2. Customizable as per User Requirement: The homepage is so flexible that it can be customized as per requirement of the user. The inclusion of a new feature, the Assistant, helps the users to identify exactly what is required by them to work on that day

3. Smart Views: The user does not need to navigate to different pages as all objects can easily be viewed on a single page.

4. Easier Drag-and-Drop Feature: It is easy to drag-and-drop deals from stage to stage.

5. Customizable Dashboards: It gives the user the freedom to customize dashboards. It allows dashboards to have more than three columns. Users are thrilled to have dashboards with more than the traditional three components. These components are readily refreshed. Apart from improving the user experience, it gives adds more value to dashboard users who are keen to have data-driven decisions with a quick glance easily.

6. Track Past & Future Activities: The most attractive feature is that the user can have a track of past and future activities.

Comparison between Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic

All good things come with certain shortcomings, so is the lightning experience. Though it is preferred for being an enhanced interface it does not support all the features of Salesforce Classic.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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