7 Ways to Unify Data and Create Connected Customer Experience

7 Ways to Unify Data and Create Connected Customer Experience

  Brand marketers and advertisers spend a lot of time coming up with unique campaigns, tactics, and processes while keeping prices low and assuring a solid return on investment (ROI). But the business dynamics keep changing continually, generating new trends in the market that businesses need to keep up with to stay in the market. […]

4 Effective Tips to Use Salesforce for Customer Retention

Salesforce for Customer Retention

Smart companies have recognized that consumer loyalty is the most powerful sales and marketing tool that they have.   The above quote couldn’t be more right in the present world of business. We see new products and services being launched every day, and then more products and services replicate the existing ones.  Retaining existing customers […]

How Salesforce’s Customer 360 will unite the customer experience on the CRM platform

In perhaps their biggest announcement at Dreamforce 2018, Salesforce Co-CEO Marc Benioff announced the release of Customer 360 asserting that the fourth industrial revolution is connectivity. Customer 360 is a set of services that aims to offer instant access to unified customer data across Salesforce applications. As a part of Salesforce’s vision for the Customer […]

How businesses can meet expectations of the connected customers?

As per Salesforce’s latest State of the Connected Customer report, In today’s highly-connected and data-driven business world, customers expect more personalized, quick and seamless customer experiences. Enterprises are doing their best by embracing latest technical tools and acumen business minds to offer the best customer experiences. Technology & digitalization has empowered customers to reach a […]