InleData: Empowering Your Business with Delta Lake

Data has been the primary resource of ever-increasing profitability for any business. In comparison, its advancement and precise analysis are necessary to ensure that it’s reliable.    Delta Lake brings reliability to Data Lakes while ensuring data integrity with ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) transactions.   The genuine concern is why businesses are switching...

TrailheaDX India: The Registration is Open Now

The most awaited Salesforce Developer Conference TrailheaDX is coming to Bengaluru, India this December. The one-of-a-kind developer event will bring Trailblazers from around India & beyond and will offer an opportunity to build and develop their Salesforce skillset. For two days, Dec 19-20, thousands of developers, admins, and architects will get an opportunity to learn...

CEPTES at Sparta Connection 2018

Finally, the wait is over. It’s time for Sparta Connection 2018. Sparta System’s annual user conference is the biggest way to connect with their community of nearly 1 million users. Sparta brings together their customers, partners, and industry experts to share insights and help them take quality management to the next level. CEPTES has been...