Successful Salesforce Integration – Top 5 Best Practices

A successful Salesforce Integration Strategy is determined by how effectively you leverage the robust APIs of Salesforce to integrate data and streamline operations in order to maximize your ROI. Once the integration is complete, you could have a holistic view of your process, a 360-degree view of your customers, and actionable data. In the absence of these, the integration shouldn’t be considered entirely successful. Some of the best practices that a company must follow to reap the rewards of successful integration are:

Data Quality

It is vital to know the context of the data, where to source it, and cleaning it. Your employees need accurate and timely information. They should be able to utilize the available information effectively and generate reliable reports that support your decision-making process. Your Salesforce Integration team should develop a thorough understanding of the details behind each data element utilized. It is also essential that your employees have access to clean data because records that are outdated or incomplete are challenging. By killing all data quality problems at the source, you’ll be able to access and utilize high-quality data to leverage it appropriately.

Error Handling

An error occurring during integration is a serious possibility and one that may have disastrous consequences if not handled promptly. Your system might be well equipped to handle information transfer, but it might be utterly powerless in a situation when an error occurs. Such an error may cause significant data loss if there are no backup systems in place. It is therefore vital to have a proper error handling system that alerts you to any potential errors, and if one does occur, the system handles it.

The Integration Process

One should have a clearly defined process in place before initiating integration. The process should clearly define the endpoints and data flow between them. This allows easy staging and modification of data before its transmission to other integrated applications. You should also make provisions for an effective connection for custom integration. Data delivery for different applications should be defined in the process as well. Another critical aspect of defining the process is to limit and control access to trusted users. If the integration process is well established and easily understood, the process will be seamless and error-free.

ALSO READ: Top 4 Considerations for Salesforce Integration

Your Applications

An organization usually undergoes Salesforce integration when it has specialized applications for its different functions like sales, service, marketing, operations, inventory management, accounting, logistics, human resources, etc. It is essential to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each application. The perfect integration builds on the strengths of all your applications to streamline your business processes, automate workflows, and maintain data consistency. A flexible integration platform that takes a best-of-breed approach to get the most out of your applications is the perfect tool for optimizing your returns and reducing user frustrations.

Leverage the Expertise of Integration Experts

If not done correctly, a failed, or incomplete integration leads to wasted time and resources, data loss, errors, and user-dissatisfaction. The best way to avoid this is to procure help from Salesforce Integration Experts who can help you deliver intelligent and connected customer experiences. CEPTES, with its team of Salesforce certified consultants, offers end-to-end Salesforce Integration Cloud services. We have successfully performed integration projects for brands such as PayPal, Google Analytics, SAP, HubSpot, Dropbox, Quickbook, amongst others. Our Salesforce offered Integration Services include:

  • Integration using tools
  • Custom integration
  • API Development
  • Integration App Development

With such an experience under our belt and the best services that can be offered, CEPTES can help you connect and integrate your application and implement tailor-made digital strategies to suit your business requirements. To know more, please get in touch with us.

About Us

CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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