Salesforce Einstein AI – Artificial Intelligence for CRMs

Salesforce Einstein AI

  The world’s most savvy CRM, Salesforce Einstein, has taken technology to another level. It is artificial intelligence firmly integrated into the Salesforce platform, making Salesforce the globe’s most intelligent CRM. Salesforce Einstein is a conscious attempt by the company to make life easier for customer service reps and their administrators, and all CRM subscribers. […]

A RoundUp of Salesforce Research on impacts of 2020

A RoundUp of Salesforce Research on impacts of 2020

As this year is going to end, we would like to give you an insight into the data Salesforce Research reported. This year brought us many twists and turns, changing the way we live and work. This year has quite impacted the relationship between the business and its customers.  Salesforce Research, a team, committed to […]

How a Data Lake Solution can be a game-changer for your business?

How a Data Lake Solution can be a game changer for your business

“There was a Time When it was Impossible to Store Data Without Analyzing. But now, with the advent of Cloud Computing, You Can Load Data Without Analyzing It First. That’s How Data Lake Works and Built on the Philosophy- Load First, Think Later,” unlike Data Warehouse- Think First, Load Later.”  More than 90% of all […]

Fourth Industrial Revolution – Few Points to Pick at the Forum


It’s quite amazing to acknowledge how ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is indeed shaping up the world around us and at the same time creating a huge impact. Today let us discuss how to harness the power of this revolution and its impact over everyone. Are you interested in a specific new technology, for instance AI (Artificial […]

Image Recognition – Salesforce AI Track Images on Social Media

Image Recognition – Salesforce AI Track Images on Social Media

The world of digitalization has made progress in various ways. Brands from quite long time could search for company mentions on social media, but they have lacked the ability to search for pictures of their logos or even products for that case in an easy way. This is where Salesforce’s latest Einstein artificial intelligence feature […]