Why your Business needs Salesforce CPQ

Why your Business needs Salesforce CPQ

The sales industry has evolved significantly over the last few decades. Customers have grown to be more cautious, and their purchasing decisions have become more complex as a result. They are not only well-informed, but also well-connected, and are looking for a reliable, responsive, quick, and productive channel. As a result, in many companies, sales […]

Unleash Sales Productivity – A Complete Guide for Sales Leaders & Reps

As a sales professional obtaining sales numbers is the flag at the top of the mountain you’re climbing. It is what’s on the horizon as you march forward, and it is what as a sales leader you’ll arrive as you lead from the front. As great transformations require great leadership, sales leaders can set the […]

6 Ways Salesforce is Transforming the High-Tech Industry

With shorter product life cycles, companies operating in the High-tech sector are expected to deliver a better degree of customer support to sustain competitive advantage. Mediocre processes and poorly integrated systems spell doom for companies, especially in today’s era of rapidly changing customer demands & technologies. The most common challenges that the high-tech companies of […]

Top 4 Considerations for Salesforce Integration

One of the most common issues faced by most of the industries is with regard to disparate data sources and the siloed systems. Integrations across a company can bring enormous challenges for both the SaaS/Cloud Service providers as well as the business users. As per research, about 54% of businesses missed their project deadlines in […]

Boost your productivity and sales post-COVID: The ultimate guide for any small business

While most businesses are struggling to re-establish themselves post-pandemic, only a handful of them have the digital capacity to achieve it in time. Today, an uptick in the sales graph is the question of survival for many businesses, but a speedy recovery is only possible through the digitalization of business processes. Being dependent on conventional […]

Remote Selling: Ensuring Productivity of a Remote Sales Team during the Pandemic

The current global scenario caused offices to be shut down, forcing most people to work from home, and this, de facto, includes sales teams. Sales have always been the kind of field that relies a lot on in-person pitches and meetings. So it’s understandable if your primary concern is how to make sure your sales […]

Leverage Salesforce Sales Cloud and Pardot to Drive Higher Customer Engagement

These days, everything is digitalized. People are spending more time on smartphones than they are in their real lives. As a result, marketers, and businesses are rethinking their strategies to get to digital channels. And, they are indeed successful.  However, the question is, how much success is ‘OKAY’ success? Being on social media and using […]

How Salesforce Can Help Your Real Estate Business

COVID-19 is impacting the global economic structure. Liquidity has been decreasing, and the waves of liquidity crunch are splashing over the real estate industry. Once booming, the real estate industry has become quite competitive and fierce. Demand for residential and commercial properties have slumped, and so have the sales of small and medium real estate […]

How Salesforce CRM can improve your Sales?

In order to thrive as a best-in-class sales-driven business, organizations need to develop skills and leverage cutting-edge automation tools. In today’s business world, there is no room for mediocrity. It is very essential to perform to remain competitive. Sales expertise along with refining customer relationships and processes drive higher sales. However, with the growing business, […]