Why your Business needs Salesforce CPQ

Why your Business needs Salesforce CPQ

The sales industry has evolved significantly over the last few decades. Customers have grown to be more cautious, and their purchasing decisions have become more complex as a result. They are not only well-informed, but also well-connected, and are looking for a reliable, responsive, quick, and productive channel. As a result, in many companies, sales […]

How to ensure a faster security review process for your AppExchange solution

“Customer data is more important to Salesforce than anything else!” The customers trust Salesforce for their data. All the customer data is present on the Salesforce cloud, making cloud security very important for both the customers & the company. So, what is AppExchange & why AppExchange security is essential to Salesforce? AppExchange is an ecosystem […]

How to Manage Dependency Injection within Salesforce

If you don’t know what Dependency Injection is, why it is required, which problem does it help us resolve, and how Dependency Injection is used in Salesforce, then don’t worry; by the end of this article, you will be clear of all your doubts. What is Dependency Injection (DI)? Dependency Injection is a design pattern […]

The Need of Community Cloud – An Analysis


Salesforce is one of the most used customer relationship management (CRM) tool around the world. However, the market for a tool with only CRM option is limited. A business faces various problems and therefore needs solution as per the problem. The extra one always does the job of accurately predicting future problems. So, to grow […]

Importance of Salesforce in Small and Medium Business

salesforce for SMB's

Yes, it is so true that speed is the essence of the business world. The statement is true for nearly every aspect of any business, but it is especially valid for the genre of technology, and the speed with which we adopt any technological innovations is critical to the business success. Around the world, various […]

Is Your Salesforce Data Really Safe? Few Questions to Help Us Find Out

Is your data safe with Salesforce

Is your data safe with Salesforce? Yes, it is a question, quite unimaginable!! But it’s true!! There have been 20 hours of service outage, which is even said to effect Salesforce. When we talk about Salesforce, it is rated as #1 CRM tool. The service is designed for global availability and redundancy. In other words, […]