Five Reasons to Include DataArchiva in Your Salesforce Data Management Strategy

If you have been using Salesforce for a while, you must have been tired of hearing — ‘the data in your Salesforce is your lifeblood,’ ‘It’s gold,’ ‘It’s the fuel…’  However, nobody would have flattered about how managing this ‘life blood’ is key. Although an intelligent data management strategy in Salesforce is crucial to business […]

Don’t Risk it! Here’s Why You Need to Back up Your Salesforce Data

In this day and age, data protection threats have become as common as your morning cup of coffee. With businesses of all shapes and sizes falling victim to data breaches, it’s proven that no organization is immune to the dangers of data loss. Even the biggest cloud CRM platform, Salesforce, is not exempt from this […]

Say Goodbye to Salesforce Data Loss: Protect Your Data with DataArchiva Backup

Imagine waking up one day to find that all the data about your customers from the last ten years is gone from Salesforce. Vanished. Poof. You’re left with a blank slate, with no way to retrieve the information that has been the lifeblood of your enterprise. How would you feel? Devastated? Furious? Helpless? All of […]

Salesforce Data Archiving and Backup: Why They are Different?

“My Salesforce data storage is full. So, I need to back up my data to optimize storage.” We often hear this from people.  Over the years, we’ve come across a large number of Salesforce users who wrongly took the point about Salesforce data archiving and backup. They use the terms data ‘archiving’ and ‘backup’ interchangeably […]

CEPTES Software Announces a Comprehensive Data Management Suite (DMS) for Salesforce

CEPTES Software Announces a Comprehensive Data Management Suite (DMS) for Salesforce

The Data Management Suite (DMS), exclusively built for the Salesforce platform, is a complete suite of solutions offered by CEPTES that includes native & external data archive, data & metadata backup & recovery, file management & collaboration, & auto document generation solutions. SANTA BARBARA, CA, US, September 16, 2022 – CEPTES Software today announced that […]