How Multi-factor Authentication works in Salesforce?

As the global landscape around digital threats and attacks evolves, businesses need to evolve accordingly. Businesses these days have to remain dynamic and bring in the changes on a constant basis when it comes to their security systems. Keeping that in mind, Salesforce recently announced that from 1st February 2022 onwards, multi-factor authentication will be […]

How to integrate Salesforce with third-party applications?

Integrating Third Party Application

  There’s no doubt that Salesforce is the most popular CRM software in the world. However, just like any other CRM platform, integration is also an essential part of Salesforce. Businesses can integrate their Salesforce CRM platform with various CRM platforms to streamline their operations, add an extra layer of effectiveness or put things to […]

Successful Salesforce Integration – Top 5 Best Practices

A successful Salesforce Integration Strategy is determined by how effectively you leverage the robust APIs of Salesforce to integrate data and streamline operations in order to maximize your ROI. Once the integration is complete, you could have a holistic view of your process, a 360-degree view of your customers, and actionable data. In the absence […]