Unleash Sales Productivity – A Complete Guide for Sales Leaders & Reps

As a sales professional obtaining sales numbers is the flag at the top of the mountain you’re climbing. It is what’s on the horizon as you march forward, and it is what as a sales leader you’ll arrive as you lead from the front. As great transformations require great leadership, sales leaders can set the standards for the sales reps to enhance productivity, boost morale, and overcome challenges. 

Talking about today’s sales processes, when you track the time that you are spending with your leads or customers, sharing emails with them pitching about your services/solutions, and planning for future engagements, it gives you quite a clear picture of the sales funnel. As a sales rep, you want your focus on the real-time that you are spending on selling. And as a sales manager, you would want to keep an eagle’s eye on the team metrics to keep a track of their productivity and to formulate strategies on how it can be enhanced. 

Now whether you are a sales rep or manager, the bottom line is to improve the sales of the company. The goal is to sell more quantity in lesser time to optimize the company’s top line. So to help you with that, we have formulated this guide that would aid sales reps and managers alike to boost sales productivity. 

Sales Managers

  1. Optimization of the Onboarding process: An effective sales training is the first step toward the success of your team. A proper and well-defined onboarding of new employees reduces the training time and increases the time new reps are spending on their main task. The sales training content should be detailed enough for your reps. It is better to have experienced mentors who can aid the new ones in the training. 
  2. Coordination with the Team: Scheduling daily, weekly, and monthly meetings with the team can help them align with the process and get the right direction to achieve the overall goal. This is the best opportunity to motivate the team, asking their feedback, and pinpoint areas where improvements can be done. Such discussions lead to better coordination, eventually leading to better productivity.
  3. Sync the Marketing and Sales Team: When both marketing and sales are in sync with each other, there is a definite surge in sales productivity. As a business owner or manager, it becomes crucial for you to ensure that your marketing and sales employees work in sync with each other to become more productive. 
  4. Implement Intelligent Sales Tools: Sales tools aren’t just for huge organizations; if implemented and utilized well, sales tools can provide in-depth to small and medium-sized businesses as well. These tools are an easy way to keep the track of data, keeping it organized, and selling more. For managers, sales tools like CRMs, route planning apps, and communication apps are their ally to measure the performance and work of reps. 

Sales Reps

  1. Brush Up the Sales Pitch: A perfectly-versed sales pitch is the right hand of any sales rep. As a sales rep, you must understand your market, research about their requirements, and uncover their pain points. Then, offer your service/solution in such a way that they become the apt solution for these pain points. Once you get your perfect sales pitch, the chances of closing a higher number of deals increase manifold, thus boosting your sales productivity. 
  2. Get Better Leads: One of the most important aspects of a sales rep is to get leads. But here’s a catch: rather having a long list of leads, it is better to have a smaller, but a quality list of leads where the chances of closure are higher. Select the leads that are best suited for your product/solution as these leads would have high conversion rates. You can segment the leads according to the market understanding. 
  3. Use a CRM: Utilizing automation tools like CRM can assist you to stay organized when you have heaps of data. With the help of a good CRM, you can easily keep a track of your customers and potential leads all in one place. The CRM can also help you automate your daily tasks and you will be able to focus more clearly on your work.

Though these are the basic, yet the most fruitful tips to boost up your sales productivity. Salesforce as a platform is helping sales leaders and reps of multiple global enterprises in making their sales process streamlined, drive intelligent selling, delivering personalized buying experiences, creating highly personalized sales journeys for each of the customers, and enhancing the overall sales productivity. So what are you waiting for? Start aligning your sales with these tips leveraging the power of Salesforce and experience the best sales productivity. 

To start your journey on the Salesforce platform, please get in touch.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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