Digital Transformation in Insurance: Opportunities and Challenges

Digital Transformation in Insurance

The insurance industry is crucial for an economy. The pandemic changed the way insurers operate, and several processes such as sales, service, claims, and others have been transferred to digital channels.  A year has passed since these changes were implemented where employees and insured persons alike have got used to the new normal.  That being […]

Strategies for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) with Salesforce


Marketing is one of the few job profiles that require one to learn from the world constantly. One has to keep an eye on the new trends rising in the market and implement them at light speed. Even after making such efforts, if the marketing and sales teams aren’t aligned throughout the journey, the result […]

4 Effective Tips to Use Salesforce for Customer Retention

Salesforce for Customer Retention

Smart companies have recognized that consumer loyalty is the most powerful sales and marketing tool that they have.   The above quote couldn’t be more right in the present world of business. We see new products and services being launched every day, and then more products and services replicate the existing ones.  Retaining existing customers […]

How Salesforce Extends Beyond CRM for Banking and Insurance

Customer Relationship Management software helps in delivering outstanding service to the customers. From giving access to rich customer profiles to providing alerts such as client life events, these CRMs have revolutionized the way these industries operate.    CRMs are no more an optional commodity in the Banking and Insurance industry, and with companies such as […]

Why Smart Salesforce DevOps is the Answer to All Your Change Inefficiencies

Smart Salesforce DevOps

What is Smart Salesforce DevOps? DevOps brings together the set of development and operations and helps teams build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. This includes continuous integration and continuous delivery- CI/CD by focusing on the development pipeline’s early part. Smart Salesforce DevOps, an emerging innovative solution for addressing change inefficiencies, tries to […]

Salesforce Marketing cloud: An Ensemble Kit for Enhanced Marketing


One big challenge most marketers across the globe face today is how to acquire and retain customers. The key to customer acquisition and retention, however, lies in effective communication – the more you are connected with your customer the brighter are the possibilities of achieving faster conversion. Trying to do this manually is a herculean […]

How to Select the Right Salesforce Partner for Product Development Outsourcing?

Product Development Outsourcing

The top-rated CRM provider, Salesforce, is the name most organizations trust to automate their customer relationship management. Despite this, a vast majority of CRM projects end up with huge failures.  Wondering why? There is one common reason behind all these failures, and it is the delay and time taken by most organizations in figuring out […]

Tips for Building Salesforce Lightning Web Components

Salesforce Lightning Web Components

The Lightning Web Components have become a powerful, easier, and faster programming model for creating web components. Supporting & strengthening the web standards drastically, Lightning Web Components (LWC) can leverage elements, modules, templates, shadow DOM, and several language constructs. With LWC, businesses can enhance and improve their Salesforce lightning platform, impelling it to employ UI […]

How CEPTES Became the Most Valuable Company for its Employees


We solemnly believe that without an established and motivated workplace, an enterprise can boat race massive losses.   We keep holding to the quote, “When an employee does not feel motivated, he can never perform at his best.”   We at CEPTES keep our employees motivated in every path they take.    Employees are our […]

Why is Salesforce PDO the Best Way to Start an AppExchange Business?

Salesforce PDO

If you are familiar with Salesforce, most probably you already know about AppExchange as well. The online store comprises thousands of solutions ready to install. AppExchange is designed to support various key operations across industries and businesses. Despite being so high in popularity, AppExchange is still a mystery for countless businesses when getting their app […]