Get More for Less: The Ultimate Tips for Reducing Salesforce Data Storage Costs

If you’ve been using Salesforce for a while, you must have come across/be heading to this red alert STORAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED.  The Salesforce data storage limit is a harsh reality that nobody can help with. And this reality also costs Salesforce users like you an arm and a leg when opting for an additional storage […]

System Refactoring & Automation

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Don’t Risk it! Here’s Why You Need to Back up Your Salesforce Data

In this day and age, data protection threats have become as common as your morning cup of coffee. With businesses of all shapes and sizes falling victim to data breaches, it’s proven that no organization is immune to the dangers of data loss. Even the biggest cloud CRM platform, Salesforce, is not exempt from this […]

Make Document Generation an Easy Job in Salesforce with XfilesPro DocuPrime

Whether it’s a thank you note, offer letter, quote, contract, or licensing agreement, you need documents that need hours to create. To build a document, you need to fetch data from multiple Salesforce objects, bring them to an external platform, and finally, the document generation process takes place. But the process is tedious and time-consuming.  […]

Say Goodbye to Salesforce Data Loss: Protect Your Data with DataArchiva Backup

Imagine waking up one day to find that all the data about your customers from the last ten years is gone from Salesforce. Vanished. Poof. You’re left with a blank slate, with no way to retrieve the information that has been the lifeblood of your enterprise. How would you feel? Devastated? Furious? Helpless? All of […]

Workplace Bliss Achieved: CEPTES Software Officially Recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work’

[bt_bb_section layout=”boxed_1200″ lazy_load=”yes” allow_content_outside=”no” show_video_on_mobile=””][bt_bb_row bt_bb_toggled=”false”][bt_bb_column order=”0″ lazy_load=”yes” width=”1/1″ width_lg=”1/1″ width_md=”1/1″ width_sm=”1/1″ width_xs=”1/1″][bt_bb_text] CEPTES SOFTWARE, a leading provider of Salesforce solutions and services, has recently received the official ‘Great Place to Work’ certification. This certification is awarded to companies that create a positive work environment for their employees, promoting a culture of trust, respect, and […]

Reliving the Magic: Our Top Moments from Salesforce World Tour Sydney

It’s done and dusted! Salesforce World Tour Sydney wrapped up on a high note. Seeing the huge potential of the crowd at the event, we can’t leave untold the fact that the World Tour Sydney is worth all the efforts. Because we witnessed how the future begins from here! We kid you not: team DataArchiva […]

Redefine Your Salesforce Data Protection Strategy at World Tour Sydney 2023

How long have you been worrying about the protection of your Salesforce data?  Ever since you’ve been using the cloud CRM, right? Like you, hundreds of thousands of users are on edge because their data is exposed to different threats (cyberattacks, human error, natural disasters, etc.).  As we’re in 2023, we can’t take this agitation […]