How to enable your marketing & sales team to better connect with the modern B2B buyer?

Today’s world is more connected than ever. Everything & everyone is connected. The way buyers engage with companies has significantly changed. As per the Salesforce State of Connected Customer Report, 54% of the customers think companies need to fundamentally transform how they engage. Customers expect companies to understand what they want BEFORE they ask. Now it has become a daunting task for the sales & marketing teams to meet new buyer expectations. 

Most of the modern-day marketers struggle to execute personalization across the entire customer journey while the majority of the sales reps failed to meet expectations for contributing value. Well, the common challenges that the marketing & sales team faces today in winning customer engagement are the absence of effective tools, poor data insights and siloed teams & processes. Most of the enterprises are trying to unlock the best ways to empower their sales & marketing teams in order to better connect with modern B2B buyers. 

A next-gen sales & marketing tool that is powerful, simple & connected can help enterprises achieve the highest grade of customer engagement & enable them to offer better buyer experience. 

Pardot – B2B Marketing Automation on the world’s #1 CRM

Pardot is a next-gen B2B automation solution that provides a full solution to help marketers create meaningful connections, generate more pipeline, and empower sales to close more deals. Enterprises can couple all their marketing tools into one single central canvas with Salesforce engagement studio. 

Your sales & marketing team can leverage Pardot to build complex & powerful campaigns with ease, visualize & test customer’s experience, improve campaign performance, connect with B2B buyers through new ways, reach ready-to-buy customers faster, and make every customer interaction relevant & personalized. 

B2B Automation Made Easy

Every day marketers can use Pardot for revenue maximization. The easy-to-use marketing automation platform offers a comprehensive set of tools to create, deploy, and manage online campaigns that drive substantial results. Some of Pardot capabilities include;

  • Streamlined Lead Management
  • Smarter Lead Generation
  • Easy Email Marketing
  • Seamless Sales Alignment
  • Insightful ROI Reporting
  • Artificial Intelligence

Also Read: Marketing Cloud Vs Pardot? Which one your business needs?

How Pardot is enabling better customer connection?

Using the top-notch Pardot features, marketers and sales reps can blur the gap between the B2B buyers and their expectations. Through highly personalized campaigns, marketers can deliver top-notch experiences with the help of automated rules, actions & triggers that buyers expect. Leads can be nurtured efficiently for faster conversion. Every customer conversation can be tailored based on their engagement history. 

Sales reps can connect with the buyers early, effectively, and often with Salesforce Engage. They can make every interaction relevant and tailored to prospects’ needs in order to drive deals forward. Sales teams can track email engagements and proactively reach out to prospects. 

Pardot also helps in identifying best-performing campaigns and sales-ready prospects that help sales & marketing teams drive more results. 

So, are you ready to see how marketing automation can help you grow at record speeds & enable your sales & marketing teams better connect with the modern-day B2B buyers? Get in touch with our Pardot experts now!

Check our Pardot offerings here.

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CEPTES, an award-winning Salesforce Summit Partner, leverages Data, AI & CRM to accelerate the business value of your Salesforce investment through expert consultation, digitalization, and innovative solutions.

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